
Monday, February 3, 2014

Express Yourself: February Goals

The Express Yourself Weekly Meme is made possible by Jackie @ Bouquet of Books and Dani @ Entertaining Interests.

The question for this week is: What goals do you have set for yourself this month?

This is a good question, because I've set my sights high this month.  At least, as high as I can while still making sure my two boys don't get themselves into too much trouble.

First of all, I'll mention an important goal that has nothing to do with my writing. I've been looking into finding a decent used car for $3000 or less.  It doesn't need to be fancy.  It just needs to run and have a backseat for hauling kids around.  We never got around to replacing the Buick that spontaneously combusted on us in October 2012, and I think it's about time we did.

As far as my writing is concerned, I've set the goal of completing the first draft of my WIP by Valentine's Day.  I hope I can do it.  If not, then at least I hope I can do it by the end of the month.  You see, I've arranged for tiny little saboteurs to come to my home and make my life miserable if I fail in this mission.  Though if they mess with my coffee supply, we'll have major issues!

I've also signed on for three fun blog hops this month.  The first is The Bloody Valentine Blog Hop on February 14th.  It's hosted by A.F. Stewart, and it's all about love gone wrong.  It should be a lot of fun coming up with something for that.

The next is the Ubuntu Blog Hop, and it's running from February 18th through the 21st. This gives participants plenty of flexibility in deciding when to post, which is always nice.  This one is hosted by Michelle Wallace, who has now been blogging for three years.  The purpose of the hop is to capture the essence of ubuntu, and it's up to you how you decide to do that.

The last blogging event of the month that I've signed on for is WIP: The Movie. This one is being co-hosted by Kyra Lennon and Rachel Schieffelbein, and it takes place on February 28th.  For this one, we're being asked to cast actors to play the characters in our WIP, and to post pictures of them.  We're also being asked to come up with a soundtrack.  This sounded like a good bit of fun to finish out the month.

One other goal is to keep plugging away at my posts for A to Z.  I've finished all of them for this blog, but I'd like to get a few of them done for my other blog, Warped Nerdiversity, by the end of this month.  I have my subjects selected for each post.  It's just a matter of writing them out.

And last but not least, I'd like to look into doing some freelance writing and editing work to earn some more cash.  As life gets more expensive, I must search for more income.  That's just the way of things, I suppose.  If any of you have any advice for me in this realm, I'm certainly open to it!

Anyway, with such a busy month ahead, I'd better get to it!  What are your goals for this month?


  1. Hope you find a car. One that doesn't burst into flames.
    I won't touch your coffee, that's for sure.
    And some good blogfests coming up.

  2. I haven't yet begun writing my A to Z posts. But I am checking out new blogs there that look interesting. Which is how I found yours.


  3. Good luck with those goals - especially the car one!

  4. I've started my A-Z drafts, I need to finish line edits for my next release, and I want to add 20,000 words to my WIP in Feb.

    Good luck with your goals.

  5. Thanks for the bloghop shoutout!
    I just signed up for the Bloody Valentine hop, that sounds like fun! :D
