
Wednesday, January 22, 2014


I decided recently to try writing drabbles.  It seemed like an interesting challenge.  After all, how does one tell a story with exactly 100 words?  You certainly have to choose your words with care.

I used a random word generator to provide the inspiration for this piece.  The word I got was EXECUTION, and what follows is the story born from that inspiration.  Enjoy!


“Any final words?”  The booming voice echoes through the courtyard, and the murmur of the crowd subsides.

I stand tall and proud.  I can only hope that my voice remains steady as well.  “I am not a traitor.  You are.  Every one of you who refuses to stand against the occupation of our nation is betraying what we once held most dear.  If it takes my death to show you that, then it’s a price well paid.”

There’s a moment of absolute silence.


Though blindfolded, I picture the barrel of the gun that will swiftly bring about my end.


  1. A bit frightening for me but well penned.

  2. Excellent and horrible all rolled into one!

  3. wow, you had my attention when I read the title, that was perfectly horrible, great!

  4. Sometimes, one person speaking truth when there's nothing more to lose can make the greatest impact. Well done!

  5. Well done scene with only a few words!

  6. 100 words is quite a challenge. You revealed quite a good bit in this drabble; the character of the narrator, the circumstances (occupation of the country) and the state of the society (the crowd gathered to watch, the narrator's challenge). Well done!
