
Thursday, January 23, 2014

FSF: Sparks

It's time once again for Five Sentence Fiction!  The prompt for this week is SPARKS.


It began all in a coffee shop with a stolen glance, a cautious smile, and a cleverly concocted excuse to walk over and say hello. 

Melanie felt the chemistry between them, like sparks under her skin.  Before that first meeting was over, they’d exchanged phone numbers, promising to see each other soon.

All of it was unexpected, but Melanie was open to experiencing all that life had to offer.  So she accepted the fact that she was falling for Bridgette, who was nearly ten years her senior, and cherished the experience as those initial sparks kindled a long-burning flame.

Photo courtesy of pakorn/


  1. And "the look" says it all. Hope that passion burns for some time to come.

  2. Beautiful story,thank you.
    Hi I am Ranu. This is my first trip here.

  3. Beautiful story ! First visit here :)
