Friday, January 3, 2014

FSF: Moments Last Forever

It's time for more Five Sentence Fiction!  This weeks word is MOMENTS.

Moments Last Forever

Moments may be fleeting, but they can also last forever in their repercussions.  I keep thinking back to that one day, that single moment in time, when I froze in horror rather than leap into action, and how my inaction changed everything.

One moment, two lives derailed.

One fleeting moment, and enough regret to fill several lifetimes.

If you were here, I might ask you to forgive me, but it would be an empty request, because I can’t imagine how I’ll ever forgive myself.


  1. Excellent. We are always harder on ourselves, the guilty regretful us, than others ever can be.

  2. wow, very well written, emotionally engaging story! Wonder what happened. Makes me want more - great job!

  3. Outstanding work! I admire those who can tell such a "full" story in so few words.

  4. wonderful, complete story in so few words.

  5. Oh, my! I can't imagine living with such guilt. Powerfully expressed, L.G.

  6. A very interesting and powerful expression of guilt. Good job!
