
Thursday, February 6, 2014

FSF: Heartache

It's time for Five Sentence Fiction!  The word for this week is ACHE.

A Life for Sale
Chapter 1: Heartache

Aurora leaned forward, her scarred palms resting against the chilled glass.  Her apartment, hardly more than a walk-in closet and poorly heated, afforded a perfect view of the upper-scale complexes across the river.

It was selection time again, and she peered at the empty crib beside her bed, thinking of the daughter she had to leave behind for the next month, and aching because she could think of no other way to provide for her.

The selection was scheduled to take place in an hour, and she wondered which upper-crust hot shot would bid for her services, as well as what kind of services they would demand.  She shudders as she remembers the scars she acquired last year, of the horrific month that led to the conception of her little girl, and lamenting the fact that if she didn’t resort to this, she would be homeless.


  1. Dark and intense :)

  2. It's something that actually happens to people. Human trafficking is a horrific social evil. It doesn't only happen in third world countries either. It also happens in developed nations.

  3. A whole world of a story in such a short space, terrific job!

  4. Wonderful scene setting in such a small amount of words. Very impressive.

  5. The imagery in that first sentence is a perfect set up for this piece. Nice!!!

  6. A really powerful story, a sad and frightening reflection of a real human issue.
