
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Insecure Writer's Support Group: February 2014

It's the first Wednesday of the month, and that means it's time for the next meeting of the Insecure Writer's Support Group!  This amazing group is hosted by Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh.  The co-hosts for this month are Sheena-kay Graham, Julie Musil, Jamie Ayers, and M.L. Swift.

For those of you who would like to get the most out of your IWSG experience, you can visit the IWSG website as well.

At first, I didn't know what to write about.  I've been immersed in my WIP, and it's been difficult to refocus my attention on other things.  You know how it goes. The brain can be a stubborn thing.

Then I realized something.  I can use this problem as the subject for my post. Why not?  If I'm already thinking about it, it makes perfect sense to use it.  

Do any of you have trouble shifting gears when you're really immersed in writing something? How does that manifest itself in your daily life?

Most of the time, the immersion isn't all that problematic.  If I fantasize about my writing while doing dishes or folding laundry, I'm not losing anything.  Many tasks can be performed while my thoughts are elsewhere, and if anything, working out problems in my WIP at this time makes me more productive. However, when I'm having a conversation with my husband or children, my mind will occasionally get sidetracked by my creative projects, and I end up feeling like a jerk.  I'm not trying to do it on purpose, but it does happen on occasion.

Please tell me I'm not the only one who has this happen.

To all I may have unintentionally offended by fading out of the occasional conversation, I'm sorry.  It's not a problem with you.  It's undeniably a problem with me.  Maybe I'm just losing my mind, and my inability to remain in the real world is a symptom of this.

As always, I'll do the best I can to balance the real world with my fictional one, but I have the feeling we writers are always going to have one foot out the door of reality.  It's part of who we are.


  1. My family and co-workers tune me out when I start talking about my writing. Not comfortable, but more acceptable than defending my writing obsession, lol.


  2. I'm glad I'm not the only person who does this. I feel bad, too, when I'm thinking about a story and can't stop and I feel distracted. I took the two youngest to the park one day this summer and couldn't stop thinking about this idea I had, until I finally sat down and tapped out a bunch of notes on my phone and could put it out of my mind. The entire time -- maybe 3 minutes -- Mr Bunches (the youngest) kept saying "Come on dad, come on and play."

    I tell myself it's not so bad -- I get distracted by other stuff, too, but I try to keep all my distractions confined. So if you have any tips, that'd be great. I would happily trade my own helpful tips to help you with other problems, like if you have trouble figuring out what to do with any pizza you don't want, I've definitely got some ideas on that subject.

  3. I know the feeling - I can't remember what someone has said to me only seconds previously - I get so engrossed in my writing. I also keep jotting things down on pieces of paper, not always in front of the person I'm speaking to. I usually excuse myself to the bathroom.
    Don't worry. This must be "normal" for writers.

  4. Just means you are really focused and determined. I try not to fade out on my wife. She's not a happy camper when I do that.

  5. I found your blog via the Insecure Writers Support Group and will be following you. I look forward to reading.

  6. I do this all the time. My close friend even recognize my zoned out in my mind look. I think it comes with the title of being a writer.

  7. I do this pretty much every day. But my biggest flaw is not writing it down and then forgetting about this brilliant idea.

  8. I know exactly what you mean, I do this all the time. It's definitely a writer thing.

  9. Chalk me up for the "Do this all the time" category. :)
