
Friday, March 21, 2014

Celebrate the Small Things-March 21, 2014

It's Friday, and that means it's time to Celebrate the Small Things with VikLit!

Overall, it's been a pretty good week.  On Monday, the always-awesome Alex J. Cavanaugh announced that I won the grand prize in his Epic 2000 Followers Giveaway!  That means I get an autographed copy of each of his books, a $10 iTunes gftcard, and a free t-shirt from Jeremy Hawkins' Neat-O Shop (I chose a Ninja Army shirt).  A copy of each of Alex's books is also being donated to the library of my choosing.  Overall, I'd say that's an amazing prize!

I also had a successful cooking experience this week.  I've always loved apple fritters.  They go great with coffee, and I just generally love anything with apple in it.  I found a recipe for apple fritters on Wednesday, and as it turns out, I had all the ingredients necessary to make them, so I decided to give it a try.  I can honestly say they turned out way better than expected.  Here's a picture.

They tasted great!  The kids loved them.  I loved them.  My husband loved them. I definitely plan to make them again.  For anyone interested, here's the recipe I used.  The only difference is that I added a little vanilla extract and cinnamon to the batter.

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. Super congratulations on winning Alex's prize, L! That's a great one to win :D

  2. Congratulations, those sound like fabulous prizes. Ooh those fritters look good :)

  3. Oh, yum! Those fritters look delish. Good thing I just ate!
