
Friday, March 21, 2014

The Great & Powerful A to Z Theme Reveal

April is right around the corner, and that means it's almost time for A to Z to begin!  For those of you who have not signed up and may be interested in doing so, you can do that HERE.

Today, a few of my fellow A to Z bloggers are revealing their theme for this April's challenge. You can sign up HERE if you'd like to join in on the fun of the great reveal.  A theme isn't required for A to Z participation, of course, but having a theme can be helpful.  It makes it easier to plan your posts, and if a reader is interested in the theme you've selected, they'll keep coming back to your blog.

My theme for this blog is: DRABBLES

For those of you who may not know, a drabble is a story that is exactly 100 words in length, and this word count does not necessarily include the title.  I know I didn't include the title, anyway.  In such a short piece, every word counts!

Last year I wrote an ongoing story, which turned out to be quite fun.  I knew I wanted to dabble in fiction again, but I also wanted shorter posts, and I wanted it to be something that someone didn't need to necessarily read from the beginning.  That's why these drabbles are stand-alone pieces.  I used a random word generator and combed through dictionaries to come up with a word for each letter of the alphabet, and each word inspired its own little story.

All of my drabbles are written, and the posts are scheduled.  I think readers will enjoy them, because they're quick and entertaining.  Some of them are funny, some sad, and some of them are just plain weird.  There will be a little something for everyone!


  1. That sounds interesting. I on the other hand am doing a longer story (just like you did last time) but I'm writing them in a way that they can work as stand alone pieces too.
    I'm looking forward to reading your drabbles. Happy A-Zing! =)

  2. I read Drabbles for the first time on Unicorn Bell site not too long ago. They were super fun. I look forward to reading yours!!!

  3. Very cool!. I had a blast writing my flash fiction set in places in my hometown last year. Look forward to reading them.

  4. I LOVE the drabbles theme! I'm actually doing something quite similar, only with 250 words. Best of luck. Can't wait to see what you come up with!

  5. Wahoo! Drabbles get me excited. I'm looking forward to reading them. =)

  6. Awesome! Drabbles sounds like so much fun :D

  7. I can't wait to read these, I bet they're awesome :)

  8. Drabbles sound fun to write. Being a big fan of flash fiction, this shorter version also sounds intriguing.

    MJ, A to Z Challenge Co-Host
    Writing Tips
    Effectively Human
    Lots of Crochet Stitches

  9. You are the second A to Z-er I've come across who will be writing 100 word stories. Kind of exciting! I usually take 100 words just to warm up!

    LuAnn Braley
    AJ's Hooligans @AtoZChallenge
    Back Porchervations

  10. I love drabbles (though I have a friend who really hates that word, haha.... he says it makes the stories sound amateur). In any case, I'm looking forward to reading them come April! Good luck!

    Alex Hurst, fantasy author in Japan, participating in Blogging A-Z April Challenge.

  11. I thought short stories like that were called Flash Fiction or Micro Ficiton. There's a weekly challenge here on the internet to write a 100 word story each week depending on the prompt. You can find more info here if it's of interest.

    Found you via the #atozchallenge

  12. I heard of drabbles a few years ago and have read many good ones. That's a great theme.

  13. The drabble was the very first fictional piece I wrote!
    I'm sure your 26 pieces will be awesome!
    See you around on the A to Z circuit, LG.
    Writer In Transit

  14. Hi there! I came across your blog from the Blogging A to Z Website and I really like your blog! I'm a 'wanna be' writer and embracing my 40s as well as working my way through living and loving and keeping up the laughter with observations about life and all things in between. I'd love
    for you to check out my blog at
    Great writing and site!
    Regards, Jodie

  15. I am looking forward to your drabbles :)

  16. Looking forward to reading your drabbles. Just like you doing 100, I am also writing a micro version of six word stories this April.. Cheers

    GS at Moontime Tunes

  17. Wow LG, I am so impressed! I can't imagine writing 26 drabbles and you already have them done and ready to go! I can't wait to read them!! :)

  18. I hadn't heard of that word before, but this sounds like fun!

  19. What a fun idea and I'm super impressed you already have all your posts written. I've got mine planned, but only about a week of them actually done. Also, weird coincidence, we are right next to each other on the list and my theme is Marketing from the Edge. :)

  20. Wow. All written? That is impressive.
    AND I never knew what a drabble was!

  21. Cool! I love writing drabbles. They're so much of a challenge. Good luck. I look forward to reading your compositions.

    N J Magas, speculative fiction author, participating in Blogging A-Z April Challenge.
