
Friday, May 2, 2014

Celebrate the Small Things-May 2, 2014

It's Friday!  Let's Celebrate the Small Things with VikLit!

This week was a pretty exciting one.  First of all, I successfully completed the A to Z Challenge on two blogs!  Overall I think it went well, though I'll go into more details when I write my reflections post.

I also won an e-copy of Kyra Lennon's book Game On, and I finished it in a single day.  Her writing is so engaging, and her characters feel so real.  I just couldn't put it down.

This week I also got a couple of super cool pairs of socks.  Or, rather, nerdy/geeky socks, which means they fit within my definition of cool.  I also purchased Spock ears this week, but I haven't received them yet.

I figured that, while I'm posting pictures of my clothes, that I'd also share this picture of my Ninja Army t-shirt that I won courtesy of Alex J. Cavanaugh's 2000 Followers Giveaway.  I got it in the mail weeks ago, but I still wanted to share.  Isn't it neat?

I also have to say that Alex's books look awesome on my shelf!

 What would you like to celebrate?


  1. Honey, I just celebrate getting through my week without getting fired! Weekend, here I come :)

    But congrats on all the accomplishments. Whoop whoop!!

  2. Dude, you got some cool stuff this week! I am particularly jealous of those socks! :D

    Thank you for the kind words about Game On! <3 If you have some time to put a review on Amazon, I will love you forever! :D (Not that I wouldn't anyway, but, you know lol!)

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Ah! I accidentally hit a wrong button and your comment disappeared! I have no idea how to undo it. Sad. :(

    2. Here's Alex's original comment (since I can't figure out how to restore it here):

      "You survived and you were an awesome Minion!
      That shirt looks uber-cool if I do say so myself... "

  4. I'm reading Game On right now, it is good!
    Those socks are amazing, and so is the t-shirt :)

  5. Great celebrations ;) Loving the socks and tee.

  6. Congrats on finishing the Challenge, and winning the book and Alex's ninja shirt. That is really cool.

  7. Congrats on surviving the A-Z and for winning a book you enjoyed so much! I love those socks - so cute! :)
