
Friday, May 2, 2014

Game On Audio Book and a Drabble: "Phrases and Definitions"

First things first.  I want to give a quick shout out to fellow writer and blogger Kyra Lennon. She is seeking out our help for making her dream of a Game On audio book a reality.  Even if you can't afford to donate monetarily, it would be a tremendous help if any of you could help her get the word out about this project.  Just check out her blog for more details.

Now, I think I fell in love with writing drabbles.  Is it bad that it's only May 2nd, and I already miss sharing them with you?

Either way, here's another drabble for you!

Phrases and Definitions

Definition of seismic shift: a great change in situation.

A term that doesn’t fully capture reality.  An attempt to describe that which can only be lived.

“Wipe the slate clean.”  The words swirl in my mind, a phrase that promises all wrongs can be washed away.  Some may believe it to be possible.

Not me.

I am formed by the past, a mixture of good and bad, bright and dark.  As is everyone else.

“To rise above.”  The only possibility.  Take the past and use it to inform the future.

I make a choice, because time travel is a fiction.