
Friday, May 30, 2014

Celebrate the Small Things-May 30, 2014

If you're here for May Monster Madness, you can find my post HERE.

It's Friday!  Let's Celebrate the Small Things with VikLit!

In addition to myself, the other co-hosts are:
Diana Wilder
Cyborg Mom (Katie)

I just dropped my son Jude off for his last day of school.  Now it really feels like summer is here!

The submission period for Write Club is almost up, so I'm happily polishing up my entry. For anyone who hasn't yet entered, tomorrow (May 31st) is the last day to submit!  I would have finished it up sooner, but I got distracted by books. Don't worry, I don't consider that a bad thing by any means.  I did a lot of reading while relaxing outside with my kids. That's always a good time!

We successfully purchased a used lawnmower for $40 this week, and it's in  great shape!  I looks good and works wonderfully, and my husband is excited about his new toy.

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. Looking forward to another bout of Write Club too! Hope your husband has lots of fun with his lawn mower :)

  2. Good luck with Write Club! I'm sure your son is happy about the upcoming summer holidays! Have a great weekend!

  3. I don't think I'm doing Write Club this year. I kept meaning to write something for it, but it just never happened. Good luck with your entry!

  4. Kids out of school and new mower (at that price?). Lots to celebrate.

  5. Yay for hubby's new toy at a great bargain! Best of luck with WRiTE Club!

  6. Good luck with Write Club! The kids here still have another month of school, but I'm sure most of them would love this to be their last day! Hope your son has a great summer ahead of him, =)

  7. $40 for a lawnmower sounds like a great price! Yay for summer vacation and good luck on the Write Club! :)

  8. Nice deal on the lawnmower... Hubby's gonna wanna be mowing the lawn all the time now. :) I know you must be thrilled that school's out and summer's here for the kids. Awesome. Best of Luck with WRiTE CLUB and thank you, as always, for being a wonderful co-host for this amazing blog hop. Enjoy the weekend. Eva

  9. A new-to-you lawnmower is good. Enjoy the summer.

  10. A $40 lawn mower that works is pretty impressive!

  11. Submissions and lawnmowers in the same post! I've never seen that before, but I love it.
