
Friday, May 30, 2014

May Monster Madness

The goal is simple.  Write a post about monsters.  It can be anything, like writing a story about monsters, ideas for monster related crafts, famous monsters, monster movies.  Anything goes.

I decided to write and share two drabbles that have to do with monsters.  I hope you enjoy them!

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Monster Under the Bed

“Do all beds have monsters under them?”  At six years old, T.J. hung on his older brother Kyle’s every word.  When Kyle confirmed that there were really monsters living under T.J.’s bed, he never thought to doubt him.

Kyle sat beside him on the bed.  “Not all.  Not yet anyway.  Monsters take little girls and boys and turn them into monsters.  If the monster gets you, it’ll turn you into one too.  Then maybe you’ll go after me, or maybe Mom and Dad.  That’s why you can’t let it get you.”

T.J.’s face blanched as he clutched his teddy bear.

Face of a Monster 

“Not all monsters look ugly,” Patricia said as she wound spaghetti noodles around her fork.  “The most frightening monsters are the ones you can’t see until it’s too late.”

This first date started out with light conversation about horror movies, but now Nadia feared it was taking a turn into darker realms.  That was the last thing she wanted.  “I know the world is filled with killers and rapists, but do we need to talk about that now?”

Patricia smiled sweetly.  “Honey, you misunderstand me.”  She dropped her fork, and with a sickening sound, talons burst forth from her fingertips.

*               *               *

I hope you enjoyed my drabbles!  Be sure to check out some of the other participants!


  1. Ooooh... I'd like to know more about Patricia! And wicked Kyle! ;)

  2. Super drabbles! Personally I still believe in monsters under the bed. And in the closet. Under the stairs ................


  3. I saw poor little T. J.'s face as he clung to his teddy. Brothers, I tell you!

    And that visual of Patricia in the end? Yum!

  4. Oh, these were fun! A wicked little taste to start the day ;)

  5. Oh!!!! Wicked clever, darlin'!

  6. You drabble excellently well. Poor little TJ, at least he had teddy to protect him. Patricia sounds fun.

  7. Ooh creepy! Great drabbles, as always!

  8. Heh! Two lovely little drabbles with a sting in the tail! Very entertaining!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Monsteriffic fun, LG! Thanks for sharing.

  11. The second drabble took an unexpected turn. But what she said is true.
    Sania @ Fragile words

  12. Great drabbles. The second one took an unexpected and yet thrilling turn!
