
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Express Yourself: A to Z Favorites

The Express Yourself Weekly Meme is hosted by Jackie @ Bouquet of Books and Dani @ Entertaining Interests.

The question for this week is: What A to Z post and/or blogger did you really enjoy this year?

That's a tough one, since I visited so many wonderful blogs over the course of April. However, I'll share with you a couple of the bloggers that I visited on a daily basis.

There's Alex J. Cavanuagh, of course, who highlighted some spectacular blogging friends in each of his posts.  There's also Laura at My Baffling Brain.  She wrote about Ancient Egypt for her A to Z posts, and I learned a lot from them.  I also visited Kyra Lennon at Write Here, Write Now on a daily basis so I could keep up with the story she wrote, which featured the main characters from Game On.

Which bloggers did you most enjoy during the A to Z Challenge?


  1. You rock! <3

    I loved your A-Z posts, and I agree, Laura's Ancient Egypt posts were really interesting. I also enjoyed reading Vanessa Kelly's blog during A-Z - I like her a lot! :D

  2. Thanks, LG! Glad you enjoyed them. I also dug Laura and Kyra's themes.

  3. Thank you, LG! Glad you enjoyed them. I also dug Laura and Kyra's themes and posts.

  4. Ooh thanks for mentioning me! I loved your drabbles, they were excellent :) I visited Alex and Kyra every day too, their themes were great.

  5. Your A-Z posts were awesome!

  6. Bloggers I discovered during the challenge and who I absolutely love - Mary at Homeschool Antics and Mrs. Sexy at 5 Hearts, One Family.

  7. That's a tough question, isn't it, I don't think I'd be able to narrow down my favourite blogs from A to Z to just one post/blogger. I did have Laura on my favs list too :) And, of course, you were there.

    This sounds like a fun meme, I may just join it for June.

  8. I did not participate in A-Z. I punked out and didn't blog much at all, let alone read every A-Z post. Scary.

  9. I agree with you, too many great ones to pick from. I followed a lot of the travelers, and that was fun.
