
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Express Yourself: Celebrity Look-Alikes

The Express Yourself Weekly Meme is hosted by Jackie @ Bouquet of Books and Dani @ Entertaining Interests.

The question for this week is: Have you ever known someone or dated someone who could be a celebrity twin?

Does Jesus count as a celebrity?  Because I went to college with a guy that looked almost exactly like him.  At least, he looked like the long-haired, blue-eyed, pale-skinned portrayal of Jesus that you see in most Christian churches in America.  He had the hair, the beard, and it all looked spot on.  It also helped that he wore sandals a lot.  He also played acoustic guitar, and while I've never seen a picture of Jesus playing acoustic guitar, it added to the dude's serene vibe.  His name was Josh, but everyone called him Jesus.  You'd pass him in the hall, and someone would always say "Jesus, what's up?"

Maybe that contributed to his decision to shave his beard and cut his hair.  I remember feeling shocked when I saw him for the first time after he did that. People did start using his real name more frequently after that.

Do you know anyone who looks like a celebrity?


  1. I know a guy who used to look like Jesus as well - he had the long hair, blue eyes, etc. But he has since cut his hair. But this guy definitely had the 'zen' vibe as well.

  2. Hahaha, I think everyone has met a guy who looks like Jesus at some point!

    I don't know anyone who looks like a celebrity but one time I saw a guy who looked like Mick Fleetwood from Fleetwood Mac in a coffee shop and he winked at me lol.

  3. haha Aww, he cut it all?! And what's funnier, Joshua and Jesus are actually name variants of each other. lol

  4. I've met several guys that looked exactly like Jesus, haha.

  5. Haha, that's hilarious - Jesus playing the guitar ;-)

    My first kiss was with a boy called Elvis - does that count? It wasn't THE Elvis (obviously) nor did he look like him (a pity) - but still I love that I can say that my first kiss was with Elvis.

  6. I think your Jesus friend in college was trying to look like Jesus--and got a little bit of a thrill out of being called that!
