
Friday, May 16, 2014

Celebrate the Small Things-May 16, 2014

It's Friday!  Let's Celebrate the Small Things with VikLit!

I'm co-hosting now!  Diana Wilder, The Cyborg Mom, and CafeMaggieato are also serving as co-hosts.

My son Lyle had a great 3rd birthday on Sunday!  We were so busy with that we didn't even have time to notice that it was also Mother's Day, but that's okay!

I also have a cup of coffee in hand as I write this post, so that's a good thing.  I also finished the rough draft of a WIP that's been giving me trouble.  Sure, there's a lot to fix, so revisions will be a challenge, but I'm ready for it!

Oh yeah, and I have chocolate in my cupboard.  No matter what goes wrong, I can tackle the problem as long as I have access to chocolate.

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. I'm drinking a cup of coffee as I hop around...chocolate sounds good. Have a nice weekend, LG.

  2. Congratulations on the birthday! And congrats on the WIP progress, too :D

  3. Hurray for birthdays, coffee, WIP progress, and chocolate!!! Sounds like a wonderful week!

  4. Happy belated birthday to your little one and belated mother's day to you! And huge congrats on your WIP- I'm jealous of your progress!
    Thanks for being our new co-host!!!!

  5. Thanks for being one of our new hosts. A happy belated birthday to your son.

  6. Chocolate makes everything better! Good luck on those revisions, I'm about to start mine and I know they'll be hard work.

  7. Aww happy 3rd birthday to your little guy! Coffee and chocolate always make things so much better, so I celebrate that with you. Enjoy your weekend. :)

  8. Yay for chocolate! Have a great weekend LG!

  9. Yes, chocolate is a must. I have a drawer full of peanut butter cups. It can get dangerous, though!

  10. Coffee AND chocolate? You have a lot to celebrate.

  11. I'm deep into revisions and admit to having dipped into my stockpile of chocolate substantially. I may have to re-stock soon. Good luck on your revisions, and I'm glad your son had a great birthday!!

  12. Lovely straightforward celebrations. Personally, I'm powered by tea.

  13. A birthday (and a kiddies one at that), a completed draft (the joy before the hard work), a coffee in hand, and chocolate on hand. Pretty dreamy by my way of thinking! :)

  14. Coffee and chocolate are definitely worth celebrating! Happy Birthday to your son. :-)
