
Thursday, May 15, 2014

FSF: Innocence Lost

It's time once again for Five Sentence Fiction!  The word for this week is INNOCENCE.

My ongoing story "A Life For Sale" features Aurora and her struggle to survive in a world that treats her as a commodity.  To read this story from the beginning, go to this PAGE.

Chapter 5
Innocence Lost

The house before Aurora was in pristine condition, and it was far larger than the apartment building that she inhabited eleven months out of the year.  Though she knew it wasn’t the same, the look of this home put her in mind of the place where her innocence was first lost, and she learned once and for all that the world simply didn’t care about people like her.

Her daughter’s face flashed through her mind, and a deep sadness tugged at her heart as she acknowledged the fact that her daughter would grow up to face the same sad life as her, as would any grandchildren that might also come into the world.

The woman in the green dress, who had introduced herself as Drucilla on the ride over, studied Aurora’s face for a long moment, as if trying to discern her innermost thoughts, before going on to say something entirely unexpected.  “I can’t even begin to imagine what you’ve had to go through in the other homes where you served, but I can promise that you won’t be made to suffer here.”


  1. Wow, such a lot packed into five sentences. I really feel for Aurora in this extract.

  2. Drucilla :) Buffy fan?

  3. This really packs a punch, L. Nice job!!

  4. This one hits me in the heart as it makes me think of the fact that mental illness runs in my family and my son has made a very clear decision never to have children because he doesn't want them to inherit the mood disorders that both he and I live with.
    My entry is here.

  5. Wow, all that in five sentences. I was glad it ended hopeful.

  6. Glad that ended on a compassionate note - keeps one's faith in the human race that there are many kind and compassionate people in the world.
    Dropping by from the linkup
    Suzy Someday Somewhere

  7. Nicely written. I do enjoy your story.

  8. A bit ambiguous, could be any number of bad situations, but at first I thought it was the Sleeping Beauty fairy tale (which is fairly dark), then maybe sexual human slavery. Very dark.

  9. This is the middle of something and doesn't stand well on its own as a story.
