
Friday, August 15, 2014

Celebrate the Small Things-August 15, 2014

It's Friday!  Let's Celebrate the Small Things with VikLit!

I am proud to be a co-host, and the other wonderful co-hosts are:

Diana Wilder
Katie @ TheCyborg Mom
CaffeMaggieato @ mscoffeehouse

Anyway, it's been a busy week.  Seriously.  My boys both start school next week, and getting everything organized has been a headache.  We're almost there though.  They're excited to learn, and I'm excited about the hours of free time during the day that I can dedicate to writing!

Jude got glasses this week.  He's super excited about them too, while his little brother Lyle is super jealous.  Meanwhile, Jude's quickly learning that lenses get dirty quickly, and that when he takes them off for any reason, he needs to keep track of where he put them.  Just look at how cute he looks with them on!

Writing is going well as far as I can tell.  I hope I'm not just imagining that.  As scattered as my brain can be sometimes, it's impossible to tell for sure.

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. He looks super cute! Wishing your boys many happy school days.

  2. Oh I remember those back to school days. Best to the boys.

  3. The pictures are so cute! We're in the middle of getting ready for back-to-school. We've got the supplies, now just need clothes. I can't believe how much the kids have grown over the summer. Glad your writing is going well. Have a great weekend!

  4. What a cutie!! I hope Jude is nothing like me, I misplace my glasses everyday.

  5. Those are such cute boys, bless them.

  6. It looks like Jude's fond of those glasses! Very cute.

  7. I love the glasses! He looks sharp :) Hope you get tons done when they are back in school next week. My kids don't start until after Labor Day. Weirdly, as they have gotten older, I've enjoyed them being home more...maybe because they are more independent? idk Enjoy your weekend!

  8. Aww he does look cute :) Good luck with the last of the school preparations!

  9. He is absolutely adorable! I didn't like my glasses when I was young - I'm glad he's more adventurous. Yay for progress on your writing and more time to do it!

  10. Good luck with the boys starting school. If you have tears, prepare to shed them now!

  11. Jude looks so handsome! I can't believe he's a kindergartener already...

    Envious about both boys being in school. Lotts missed out on the head start program, I think, since they never responded to my application, so maybe we'll have luck next year. For now she's been having a good time playing with kids at the church nursery, so I suppose that'll do for now. :)

    Definitely need to make it up to see you guys soon...thinking in the next couple weeks. The kids need to play again!
