
Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Express Yourself: Item From History

The Express Yourself Weekly Meme is hosted by Jackie @ Bouquet of Books and Dani @ Entertaining Interests.

This week's question is: If you could go back in time and bring back one item, what era would you visit and what item would you bring back?

This is a tough one.  There are so many interesting eras to choose from.  Part of me would love to go back to when the dinosaurs roamed and snag a fresh bone or something, but that also sounds rather risky.

If I wanted to snag something really cool and become a part of history, maybe I would go back to 1216 to the reign of King John and grab the famous crown jewels that went missing that year.  Hey, maybe I eventually will and that's the reason they went missing in the first place!  What can I say?  It would be cool to actually become a part of history.

What era would you travel to, and what would you bring back?


  1. yes! very good choice - and reminds me of Jack the Giant Slayer's explanation for where the crown originated =)

    also wanted to thank you for stopping by my broken branch falls blog tour!

  2. Oooh, were you the fiend who stole the crown?? Interesting thought :)
