
Friday, August 29, 2014

Celebrate the Small Things-August 29, 2014

It's Friday!  Let's Celebrate the Small Things with VikLit!

I am proud to be a co-host for this weekly blogging celebration.  My fellow co-hosts are:

Diana Wilder
Katie @ TheCyborg Mom
CaffeMaggieato @ mscoffeehouse

We had some bad luck in my family this week.  My son Jude lost his new glasses. There has been no sign of them anywhere for almost a week.  We're going to have to buy him a new pair after he only had the first for about a week and a half. Still, it could be worse.  He seems to have learned a lesson about taking care of things from this experience.  That's how we learn, after all.

Writing has been going pretty well.  I keep second guessing myself, yes, but I'm getting a lot of work done.

The kids have been having a great second week of school.  They're both bursting with excitement when I drop them off, and I'm encouraged to see that kind of enthusiasm.

Also, I have to celebrate the fact that it's a three day weekend for us.  Happy Labor Day to all my fellow American bloggers!  I'm hoping for good weather this weekend.

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. Sorry he lost his glasses. Hope he can keep track of the second pair.
    Enjoy your three day weekend!

  2. Celebrate the kids off to a good start at school. Hope you find the glasses.

  3. I remember those days. Kids losing glasses, retainers, and homework. Hope the glasses come up.

  4. I hope you find the glasses before you buy a new pair. Have a great weekend! :)

  5. I'm convinced there's a lost and found with nothing but glasses lining the shelves. I think I have about dozen pair. Hope you can recover your son's before you have to replace them. Costly.

  6. Sorry to hear about the glasses. I hope you get lucky and find them. School has started off well for my kids, too, which I'm really happy about. Have fun writing, and I hope you get a decent weekend, weather-wise!

  7. Sorry Jude lost his glasses, but as you say, hopefully he will be more careful with a new pair. Good to hear the writing is going well and enjoy that long weekend :)

  8. I lose my glasses all the time, yet, I usually come across them in a couple of days. It's good to hear the kids are enjoying school, at least for now! And happy your writing is thriving! Keep it up!

  9. We had a three-dayer last weekend, but there's no respite now until Christmas. Thanks for sharing your celebrations.

  10. Oh no! Sorry about the glasses debacle. Hope the Labor Day weather treated you well. We had some decent sun and temps here in the Midwest.

  11. Hope you enjoyed the three day weekend! And I'm so sorry about the glasses. I broke my first pair after using them for a few short weeks so I know how hard it is.
