
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Sunflowers For Tina

The blogging community has lost a great friend.  Tina Downey was one of the most optimistic and kind bloggers you could hope to meet.  Whether you knew her well or only know of her through her connection through someone else, you can help celebrate her life and what she did for the people around her.

In memory of Tina Downey, the A to Z Team is hosting a sunflower tribute on September 8, 2014 – Remembering Tina Downey. 

Prior to that date, purchase or plant a sunflower in her honor. (If you have to resort to plastic, that’s cool.) Take a photo of your sunflower and post in in her memory on Monday, September 8. Tina loved her sunflowers, and we want to splash the blogging world with sunflowers that day and honor a truly amazing woman who was friend and family to so many. 

You can sign up now or add your link when you post your sunflower. 

Please help us spread the word! Add Tina's motto #LifeisGood as hashtag and share about this blogfest on all social media platforms. Let’s brighten the Internet with sunflowers the way Tina brightened the lives of so many. 

Go HERE to sign up!

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