
Monday, September 22, 2014

The Underrated Treasures Blogfest

Today is the Underrated Treasures Blogfest, and it's hosted by the enigmatic Alex J. Cavanaugh.

TV Show-Babylon 5
     This is one of my all-time favorite shows.  I enjoyed all of it, but seasons 2-4 were the best.  If you've never seen the show in its entirety, you're seriously missing out. Sure, it had its corny moments, and the acting was a bit of a mixed bag, but I can still sit down and re-watch it over and over again.

Book-The Dosadi Experiment by Frank Herbert
     Everyone knows about Dune, but not nearly as many people are familiar with Frank Herbert's other novels.  The Dosadi Experiment was the first Frank Herbert novel I read, and the world in it is so rich and engaging that I couldn't put it down.

Movie-Safety Not Guaranteed
      Three people who work for a magazine set out to do a story when they see an ad searching for a companion to go traveling through time.  The main question that surfaces is this: is the guy crazy, or is he really able to travel through time?  This was an enjoyable little movie with interesting characters.  Some people say that the ending spoiled the movie for them, but for me, it was perfect.

     This band has been gaining in popularity, but some of my favorite songs from them are virtually unknown to most people.  I haven't yet heard a song from them that I've disliked.

What underrated treasures would you like to share with the world?


  1. The only one of your underrated 'things' I know is Babylon 5. And I only know it by name - haven't ever seen it. But as I do love sci-fi, I will have to check it out. ;)

  2. Like Trisha said, Babylon 5 is the only thing I've heard of! I always like to check out bands I've never heard of though, so I will looking into M83!

  3. Safety Not Guaranteed sounds like a great flick!

  4. I loved the movie Dune and did read the book. I'll have to check out The Dosadi Experiment.

  5. I saw someone else mentioned Babylon 5 also. It always makes me think of The Big Bang Theory because they talk about Babylon 5 in a few episodes. :)

    Madeline @ The Shellshank Redemption

  6. Some interesting suggestions here, I'm loving this blogfest.

  7. Not heard of the band or seen the movie. How did I miss that film?
    Thanks for participating in my blogfest!

  8. Hi, L.G. Some interesting picks for the Underrated Treasures Blogfest. I remember someone else mentioning Babylon 5 as one of their picks. I'd heard of the show but never saw it except for commercial previews.

  9. Second vote for Babylon 5 I saw today. Maybe I should try it. I didn't know Hebert had other novels besides Dune.

  10. Oh - this is the second time I've seen Babylon 5 recommended today. And I loved the show, too! Great choice. :)

  11. I actually saw Safety Not Guaranteed in theaters and LOVED it. What a great choice - I'm so glad you mentioned it.

  12. Babylon 5 I have heard of but not the rest which i will have to check out

  13. You're the second one to mention Babylon 5. It must be a winner. :)

  14. Haven't seen all of B5, but I loved the technomage Galen and Marcus cole.

  15. You are the second person to choose Babylon 5 (in the posts I read so far). Maybe I should check it out? I know Sheldon Cooper has strong feelings about Babylon 5 on The Big Bang Theory, but I can't recall whether he loves it or hates it. :)

  16. I've heard of Babylon 5, but I haven't got around to watching it. Safety Not Guaranteed sounds good! :)

  17. I saw Babylon 5 pop up on another list. I haven't seen it myself, but my husband did enjoy it.

  18. I really love your descriptions. Your words inspire me to check out each of your underrated treasures. (Good writer alert) I didn't have as much energy as you to share so many favorites but mine is an oldie but goody--a book by Carlos Castaneda.

  19. I did see that movie. It really got better at the end.
