
Friday, October 31, 2014

Celebrate the Small Things-October 31, 2014

It's Friday!  Let's Celebrate the Small Things with VikLit!

I am a co-host, and so are these other wonderful bloggers:

Diana Wilder
Katie @ TheCyborg Mom
CaffeMaggieato @ mscoffeehouse

Happy Halloween!  Let's do a happy dance to celebrate!

My celebrations this week all follow a Halloween theme.

This year, I carved a total of five pumpkins.  Five!  I carved little pumpkins for my boys. They had standard Jack-O-Lantern faces, and the kids seemed to love them!  Then I carved a pumpkin at my dad's house.  I did a regular face for that one too, except I also gave it vampire teeth.  I'm sad I don't have a picture of that one, because even though I didn't plan it out before I started (I just grabbed a knife and started cutting), it turned out amazingly symmetrical.  My dad even said he liked my pumpkin better than the one he did.  I can't tell you how amazing it is to hear that kind of praise.  I'm proud of myself!

The next pumpkin I did was a skeleton.  It didn't turn out as well as I hoped, but it was also a complex one and I don't have the best carving tools in the world.  I need to invest in better tools for next year.  Anyway, I do have a picture of that one.  It's not a great picture, but it does have a sinister feel to it.

The next pumpkin was supposed to be carved by my husband, but he didn't feel like doing it.  So, reluctant to let a perfectly good pumpkin remain uncarved, I decided to do a space-themed pumpkin.  The theme emerged when my husband suggested I carve a Saturn pumpkin, and I thought "Hey, I can do that!"

So, on this pumpkin, you'll see Saturn, a moon, and a rocket.  I also carved a small sun and assorted stars, but they don't show up well in photos.  If you were to see it in real life, you'd see them.  I promise.

Aside from celebrating pumpkins, I also want to celebrate making pirate costumes for my boys.  There was some sewing and creative re-purposing involved.  I'll share pictures of my boys wearing them next week.

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! Enjoy it with your boys!! Great pumpkins!

  2. The one with the planets is really cool.
    Enjoy Halloween with your kids tonight!

  3. I love the saturn pumpkin! And good for you for making costumes...I've done a lot of that in the past! This year I just have to cut up a plastic tablecloth in the shape of a batman cape...nothing to bad :)

  4. Great job with the pumpkins! I admire your craftiness. Happy Halloween!

  5. Loved the pumpkins! Sewing always seems to be a part of our Halloween tradition, too! Have a great celebration.

  6. If you get tired of writing I think you may have another career! Those are some amazing pumpkins. I simply made a pie!

  7. Those are some great pumpkins! I've gotta say, I love the dancing skeleton...gave me a good giggle! Happy Halloween! Eva

  8. In my day we just did the regular pumpkin faces and I'm so amazed by how artistic they've become. I think your skeleton-pumpkin is awesome, and the dancing pumpkin rocks!

  9. Great pumpkins! I didn't carve any this year.

  10. You're so artistic. In the long-gone days when I used to carve a pumpkin for my boys, I only ever managed a basic jack-o-lantern, and he always looked a bit pervy!
