
Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Insecure Writer's Support Group: November 2014

It's time for another meeting of the Insecure Writer's Support Group!  Each month we gather to share our insecurities and to offer support to our fellow writers. Our fearless leader is the enigmatic Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh.  This month I am happy to be one of his co-hosts.  The other co-hosts are Donna Hole, Lisa Buie-Collard, and S.L. Hennessy.

Be sure to visit the IWSG website for any additional encouragement you might need.

This month I'm insecure because I haven't written all that much lately.  I worry because I know I need to write and write and write if I want to find success.  However, my family is always going to be a top priority for me, and that family has needed a lot of extra attention lately.  This past weekend, my son Jude spent two days in the hospital. He had the beginnings of pneumonia, but fortunately, we got him in on time so that it was fairly easy to treat.  He needed some strong antibiotics, but the whole situation could have been much worse.  Nonetheless, I lived in the hospital for those two days, and I can't begin to tell you how relieved Jude and I when we returned home on Monday.

My recent lack of writing is understandable given the circumstances, but now I'm finding it difficult to get back into the swing of things.  Jude goes back to school today, and life is falling back into a normal pattern once again.  Will inspiration follow, or will it be more difficult to find?  Or am I simply being too hard on myself?

Either way, life can be crazy sometimes.  I suppose we can only do the best we can with what we have thrown at us.

What is your insecurity this month?


  1. Very glad to hear everything turned out so well with Jude. Thank you for hosting the November IWSG, even with all those other worries.

  2. Wow, that was a tough month. Happy everyone is better and getting back i into their routine. Inspiration on its own is hard to find, which is why I went looking for it. That is what I wrote about on my blog. Here is to inspiration and connecting with the Muse.

    Juneta at Writer's Gambit

  3. I'm pretty sure that you'll find the strength, inspiration and those wonderful snippets of time to unleash your creativity and write. Lots of luck! And thank you for co-hosting!

  4. Glad to hear Jude is well again. That can be scary and I agree with you, family comes first. Best of luck finding your inspiration.

  5. So glad to hear Jude is recovering nicely from that scare. Pneumonia is nothing to take lightly. My husband had it this summer! Go figure. I'm sure you'll get your inspiration back, just give it a moment, and read while waiting! Thanks for co-hosting with me this month!

  6. Life can be crazy indeed. My wife spent about 5 weeks in hospital over the past few months, so I've had a fantastic excuse not to write . . . which doesn't help with my procrastination.

  7. Family first. Sounds to me like you just need to sit down and purge your feelings about the recent events to get your writerly brain going. It's like priming a pump. One drop of water will start the well. Best of luck!

    Unleashing the Dreamworld

  8. I agree with Cyrstal: family first. Glad to hear that Jude is doing better. And I hope that you're able to get more writing done, and soon. Good luck!

  9. Seems like we're in the same boat. Two trips, one to each coast within a week looked like a stopper for me. So I took what I could out of it and did some editing/marking up of a first draft. I had planned to write, but traveling didn't make that easy, so I made the best of the airplane time. Indeed, family first, as was my case as well. Getting through these tougher times lets us focus on writing when we can.

  10. I'm happy to hear your son is doing better. It's been hard for me to write lately (though my circumstance isn't nearly as dire). All I can say is if you can't bring yourself to write then edit or read. All of that is just as important as the writing part.

  11. Glad your son is okay. Important thinks like the kiddo has to come first. I'm sure you'll find your muse again.

  12. LG, sounds like you have your priorities straight. So glad Jude is better, how scary it must've been. Don't worry, the writing bug will return.

  13. As with everyone else, glad your son is ok and yes, family does come first. As for the writing, just write - anything, although as you're hosting the blog hop this month you may not have time...

  14. I'm glad to hear Jude is doing better. I think we all go through times where the writing takes a backseat to life. Some things are definitely more important. :)

  15. So glad your son is doing better! Hope you find your inspiration again!

  16. Getting back into the swing of things is much like exercise. You have to start slow again. One step at a time, Start to find a new routine. Sorry your son was so sick, and glad he is improving.
    Love your blog title! Mary at
    Play off the Page

  17. Glad to hear Jude's doing well! Things like that definitely pull all writing inspiration away. But that's okay. Hopefully, you'll find your rhythm again soon.

  18. Hi LG, thanks for co-hosting the IWSG.

    I'm so glad Jude is doing well. I find it hard to get back on track sometimes too. Actually, lots of times. But, I eventually get back and I hope you will too.


  19. You're being very hard on yourself. lol Glad your son is doing better and is back in school!

  20. And thanks for co-hosting!

  21. I'm glad your son is feeling better. That's frightening when we have to take them to the hospital.
    Your writing mojo will return. I think the brain knows sometimes when we need a break whether we want one or not. November/December is always hard to find time to write w/ so many holidays and get-togethers. Don't be too hard on yourself.
    Thanks for co-hosting.

  22. I hope Jude makes a full recovery soon!

    Writing should never be forced. Many times, when we take a break, the creativity and motivation return stronger than ever.

  23. Glad Jude is all right. Those things can be scary. This month, I haven't done much writing either. Other things have taken priority. That's just part of life. I'm sure once you make yourself sit down and write, you'll find you can get back into the swing of it easily.

  24. Hi LG! I'm glad that Jude is home from the hospital. You have your priorities straight, and your writing will come! Sometimes when I'm struggling, I turn to more mundane things like sending out a request for research help, or editing, or organizing/reviewing information files. Your son (and you) are your focus now, as it should be, May your words start flowing soon!

  25. Sorry to hear about your son! Glad he's all right now. I think you can cut yourself some slack.
    Thanks for co-hosting today. Sorry it took me so long to get here...

  26. You're emotionally and physically exhausted. And no wonder! Know that this will fade. Take care of yourself. Your son is good, remember that!
    Best from #65.

  27. You are definitely being too hard on yourself. While you son is back at school you need to take the time to take care of yourself!

  28. Sorry your son was sick! That is what gets in the way for me, too--not just family, but when real life passes a certain critical point where my brain can't turn it off anymore.

  29. For eighteen years, children emergencies made writing impossible. Only now that they've moved out and made their own adult life do I feel comfortable telling them (when they call or visit), "I have writing to do."

    Still, I study them to see if it's a time I need to drop everything and be there for them. Being a parent never ends. I'm supremely thankful they still come to me for help and companionship.

  30. Your lack of writing is very understandable and no doubt family commitments will continue to take up what could have been writing time. That doesn't make you a bad writer though, it makes you a good parent. When you have time to write I'm sure you will - and having raised a family will give you lots of experiences and emotions to write about.

  31. It's really hard to write when you've got other issues vying for your emotions. When someone around my house gets sick, I can't even think about writing until I know for sure they're okay. 2014 has been a bad year for me too, writingwise. Let's hope it gets better soon.

    Thanks for co-hosting this month's IWSG!

  32. So glad your son is doing better. That IS most important. But maybe you can use this most recent experience as a snippet in your writing. The emotions will be strong and raw. Best wishes and thank you for hosting IWSG.

  33. You've had a lot on your plate this past month. Your family will remember you were there for them not that you were writing when they needed you. Glad your son is doing better. Thanks for hosting IWSG this month.

  34. It's hard to focus when your child is sick; family is first and foremost. I'm glad he's doing well and back to school. I definitely think you're being too hard on yourself because you haven't been able to write as much as you've wanted to. You'll be fine.

    Thanks for co-hosting IWSG this month! We all appreciate it.

  35. It sounds like you have a lot on your plate. Family always comes first, so don't feel guilty! You'll get back to writing when you can.

  36. Family is the most important. Other things can wait. Glad your son is better. Relax.

  37. Family does come first. I'm glad your son is better. Inspiration will come. Until then, enjoy your family and maybe catch up on your TBR pile.

    Thanks for co-hosting.

  38. Your family definitely comes before writing. Things will fall into place when you're not as busy.

  39. Oh, wow. A kid in the hospital is a superb reason to not be writing. Glad he's on the mend! My two yo is prone to croup, and I always worry it'll turn into something bigger like pneumonia or bronchitis.

  40. Family always comes first of course. For me, things always seem to interfere mostly at the end of the year.

  41. I glad to heard that your son is okay. Life does and will get in the way of our writing from time to time. Sometimes it's to bounce back and sometime we have to wait for the muse. I have been fortunate to bounce back quickly, but if and when I don't I find diving into reading helps me. Usually, if I can't find time to write, it means I also haven't been reading. Reading it a good way to help me geting back into my writing mojo.

  42. Life throws curve balls at us. Constantly.
    I hope your son has fully recovered and I'm sure you'll get back into the swing of things.
    Try doing some flash fiction. As Toinette mentioned above, reading also stimulates creativity.
    Thanks for co-hosting the IWSG this month.

  43. Glad Jude is back in school and you can get on track when you're ready. Family first is always the right choice. Thanks for co hosting IWSG--you have a busy week on hopping thisweek! Enjoy.
