
Friday, November 28, 2014

Celebrate the Small Things-November 28, 2014

It's Friday!  Let's Celebrate the Small Things with VikLit!

I'm a co-host for this weekly blogging event, and so are these other lovely bloggers:

Diana WilderKatie @ TheCyborg Mom
CaffeMaggieato @ mscoffeehouse

It's the day after Thanksgiving here in the United States, so I've been focused on the things that I'm thankful for this week.  I had a great meal with my husband's family yesterday, and we're going to have a second Thanksgiving meal with my dad tonight. That's certainly worth celebrating.

I've resurrected a short story I abandoned a few months ago.  I was always happy with the premise, but for some reason, I just wasn't getting anywhere with it.  This week I found myself inspired to dig it up again, and things are going well so far.  Times like this are the reason why I never delete the stories I haven't been able to finish.  You never know when the muse will strike again.

I also want to get back into quilting.  I did some quilting in high school, and I kind of miss it.  If I can get my hands on a sewing machine and the proper materials, I plan to make and sell some things for extra money.  I already have some designs drawn out on graph paper.  Here's one of the many designs I have mapped out.

It never hurts to multiple ways to express yourself, right?

What would you like to celebrate this week?


  1. Quilting is an art. I love it! I've never attempted it, because it seems intimidating. I can't wait to see where you go with it!
    Best to you!

  2. I'm glad to hear you had/will have 2 Thanksgiving dinners with family. I always think holidays are over too quickly. You need a week to truly appreciate any holiday. My mom always had quilts for our beds. They're wonderful! Good luck on the quilting and the short story resurrection!

  3. I've been MIA, but I'm back! Here's to getting that short story done. I'm a terrible quilter, but my grandmother produced tons of lovely hand quilted covers. I'll have to settle for admiring her work.

  4. Quilting is something I'm not that good, but I did try once! I have a poorly made quilt, but I love it. :) I don't delete stories for that reason too. I put them in a separate folder incase I want to pick them up again.
