
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Express Yourself: Holiday Movies

The Express Yourself Weekly Meme is hosted by Jackie @ Bouquet of Books and Dani @ Entertaining Interests.

The question for this week is: What Holiday themed show/movie/book are you most looking forward to? Don't celebrate the Dec. Holiday-then name something you're watching/reading this month.

As a kid, I always watched It's A Wonderful Life, and if I don't watch it at some point, it doesn't really feel like Christmas.  I've always had a soft spot for Jimmy Stewart movies, so that probably has something to do with it.

National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation is also a must.  Gotta have a few laughs, after all.

Also, my husband and I agreed on a new tradition within the last couple of years.  We have to watch Die Hard every Christmas.  It does take place during Christmas, after all, so it totally counts.

What holiday themed show/book/movie are you looking forward to?


  1. Die Hard - that's awesome!!
    We always watch How the Grinch Stole Christmas.

  2. My husband is a huge fan of the Lampoons Christmas and I'm a huge fan of It's a wonderful life!! What a beautiful classic!!

  3. Jimmy Stewart was so sexy, but I tried to watch IAWL last year, and oh my goodness, why is it so long? lol

    I forgot Die Hard happened during Christmas!

  4. The 1951 Scrooge with Alastair Sims. One of my all time favorites.
