
Sunday, January 25, 2015

18 Thoughts Bloghop

To celebrate the release of 18 Thoughts, Jamie Ayres is hosting the 18 Thoughts Bloghop.

The rules according to Jamie:
Here’s what’s up, guys: Each person participating will post a thought (belief) that has defined their life, their way of thinking. Post up to 18 if you’re feeling adventurous, and be sure to post the badge below and link to this post as well! You can post any time between Jan. 21st and Jan. 28th. Then visit other participants to comment and connect with fellow bloggers/writers. I’ll pick 2-3 winners each day and keep this post updated as to who the winners were and what prizes are left (winners chosen through

I've decided to be adventurous and post 18 thoughts.  And believe me, it isn't as easy as it sounds to come up with that many.  Still, I enjoy a good challenge from time to time.

1.  Dream big, but also learn to find joy in what you already have.
2.  One can never have too many books to read or notebooks to fill with words.
3.  Stick to your principles when it matters, but also know that compromise does not  have to be synonymous with failure.
4.  We all screw up from time to time.  It's in how we deal with those mistakes that our true character is revealed.
5.  Never underestimate the power of laughter.
6.  Education is one of the most powerful tools you can have.  Embrace it.
7.  Be kind to others, even when it seems as though that kindness is not appreciated.
8.  When the stress gets to be too much, prioritize.  Accept that it's okay to let some things go.
9.  Always maintain a sense of wonder.
10.  Never be afraid to try something new.
11.  Don't be ashamed of your guilty pleasures.  We all have them.
12.  The most normal thing in life is the sense that you are in some sense abnormal.  That's okay.
13.  Embrace the beauty that is coffee.
14.  Embrace the beauty that is chocolate.
15.  Dreams can be filled with meaning, sure.  They can also be weird and nonsensical.  Try not to worry about them too much.
16.  Never take your family for granted.
17.  Your family may be stuck with you, but your friends are the ones who choose to have you in their lives.  Value that.
18.  Always be open to learning new things.

Okay.  That's all from me.  Do you have any thoughts about life that you'd like to share?


  1. A sense of wonder is important.
    You did all eighteen - awesome!

  2. Laughter, a sense of wonder and open to learning. I loved these!

  3. Wow, I love that you accepted the challenge!! And I love all your thoughts, but #1, 6, 7, 9, & 13 are my top 5 favs :-) Thanks for playing <3

  4. They're all fantastic! Except the coffee one, I don't drink coffee ;)

  5. My fav one from your list is . . . Never underestimate the power of laughter. Another good thought to live by. Laugh hard - it makes you and those around you happy.
