
Friday, January 23, 2015

Celebrate the Small Things-January 23, 2015

It's Friday!  Let's join Lexa Cain with Celebrate the Small Things!  I am happy to be a co-host, along with the always amazing TheCyborgMom.

I apologize for posting so far into the day.  I'm a bit tired and sluggish today, so I'm trying to get some motivation going right now.  Knowing that tomorrow is Saturday helps, though, trust me.

I'm celebrating because, a little over 90 days ago, we sent out a money order for a few hundred dollars, and it never arrived at its destination.  Well, I'm not celebrating that fact, but just stick with me.  The missing money obviously wreaked some havoc, and it's been awful trying to get a refund.  We got the money order through the post office, and I've been having to spend a significant amount of time trying to figure out how to get my money back.  Have you ever tried to call the United States postal service?  Do you know how impossible it is to actually speak to a living, breathing human being? Finally though, more than three months after this mess started, I might be able to get a refund issued to me by next week.  Hopefully.  That's what an actual person said, anyway.  I'm hoping that proves to be true, because I will be relieved to finally have this mess resolved. 

Another celebration is that my husband and I filed our taxes this week.  We like to get it done as early as possible so we don't have to worry about it.  It wasn't an exciting process, but it's done for now.

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. Sorry they lost the money order. Why is it so hard to get a live person anymore?

  2. Sorry about the money order nonsense. Hopefully you'll get a refund soon.

  3. Taxes done already. Well, I'm starting to get organized in the tax direction!
    Yes, I've dealt with the good old post office before so I know your pain.

  4. Lost money. Ugh. I know about the no-live-person thing. Some shipped books from Amazon never arrived (it's been 3 yrs) and it was impossible to complain to anyone. I hope you get your refund soon. You got your taxes done so early - congrats! Have a wonderful weekend! :)

  5. So frustrating, fingers crossed that money comes through next week for you.

  6. I hope you get your money back! It sucks when things like that happen.

  7. What a mess! I hope they come through for you. I mailed a wedding present once and it arrived broken. Could never get the P.O. to pay on the insurance claim. Hoping that doesn't happen to you. Neat you have your taxes done...definitely worth celebrating :)

  8. Hi L.G., glad the money is finally being returned, hope you have more to celebrate in the coming weeks.

  9. I'd checked earlier for your post, I know how it is sometimes. It's so frustrating when you can't reach a human voice when researching something over the phone. ARG!!! Hope it all works out and have a better weekend.

  10. Oh LG, I know all about trying to get a hold of the USPS and getting nowhere. I'm still waiting for a callback from a month ago from the Postmaster about getting a mailbox put in front of my cottage since I can't drive and I'm disabled. I've called countless times and he's never in. I'll continue twiddling my thumbs until I finally lose it. Hope your refund finds its way to you by next week.

    Thanks, as always for being a wonderful co-host. You're appreciated more than you know. Have a great night.

  11. So sorry to hear about that money order. Dealing with the post office is a nightmare, but glad to hear you might actually be getting somewhere. I'm a little sluggish this weekend too (hence the visiting of your blog first today.) Ugh,hopefully Spring's energy comes soon.

  12. Deeply impressed with the taxes! Go you!!
