
Thursday, January 22, 2015

Express Yourself: Favorite Movie of 2014

The Express Yourself Weekly Meme is hosted by Jackie @ Bouquet of Books and Dani @ Entertaining Interests.

The question for this week is:  What was your favorite movie that you saw in 2014?

I saw some good ones, so this wasn't an easy choice.  In the end though, I have to go with the off-beat, oddball movie that stuck out most vividly in my mind.

Some people love The Grand Budapest Hotel, and some hate it.  I enjoy the wry sense of humor it offers, I enjoy the style of it, and it was visually interesting.  It also has Jeff Goldblum in it, and that's always good for me.

What was your favorite movie of 2014?


  1. I'm not a Wes Anderson fan. Just don't get the humor. Obviously a lot of people do though!
    Guardians was my favorite.

  2. I can't barely remember what I saw, but I think I'll agree with our Ninja Captain and go with Guardians of the Galaxy as well :-)

  3. The Grand Budapest Hotel was one of my favorite movies of 2014, too, and came highly recommended by several family members. It was adorable and lighthearted. I might have to go with Winter's Tale for 2014, but only because it has been one of my favorite books for years.

  4. Great movie choice! Definitely one of my faves of 2014.
