
Friday, August 14, 2015

Celebrate the Small Things-August 14, 2015

It's Friday!  Let's Celebrate the Small Things with Lexa Cain!  Tonja and I are her co-hosts.

I have a lot of back to school stuff going on in the coming week.  I need to finish shopping for school supplies tonight, on top of grocery shopping, with both kids in tow while hubby's at work, so wish me luck on that one.  It might not be an easy task, but I've always enjoyed shopping for school supplies.  It's almost thrilling for me.  Does that make me weird? Oh well, even if it does, I'm fine with that.

I signed up for the WEP Challenge that's happening next week.  It starts August 19th, and the theme is Spectacular Settings.  If you'd like to learn more about it and possibly participate, feel free to check out the details HERE.

My writing is still going well.  There are occasional moments of frustration, but overall, I'm making progress with my WIP. I hope my progress continues when the kids start school again later this month.

My ear is all healed up, so I'm quite happy about that too.  My oldest also got a bit sick last weekend, but it didn't last long.  He had a cough, runny nose, and a slight temperature, but he was back to normal within a couple of days.  I'm grateful any time an illness passes quickly.

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. Go you! I'm glad to hear your ear is better and your oldest is well now too.

  2. Glad you and your oldest are feeling better! I'm going to check out the writing thing. And good luck with school supplies. That was our last week's chore.

  3. Whenever I went shopping for school supplies I was more excited than the boys. I love notebooks, and pens, well all those neat organizing things. Yeah, I'm an office supply junkie, love my home office. :)
    So glad you're feeling better, and welcome about the WEP challenge, will prove to be exciting! Thanks for sharing here and on twitter!

  4. Good luck with the kids back in school and with your WIP.

  5. I too like back-to-school shopping. There is something about all that fresh stationary that just makes me happy!

  6. I'm glad WEP is back on, I've missed it! Looking forward to reading your post :)

  7. Yes, that does make you weird. But considering my wife made a comment about wanting to just buy school supplies the other day, you're not alone.

  8. I don't think you're strange at all--I love office supplies! There's just so much potential in a new pen, or a fresh notebook :)

  9. We did our back to school shopping last week. My kids weren't very happy about it since it signals summer is coming to an end. Glad your ear is better and your son got over his illness quickly. I hope your writing continues to go well!
