
Friday, August 7, 2015

Celebrate the Small Things-August 7, 2015

It's Friday!  Let's Celebrate the Small Things with Lexa Cain!  Tonja and I are her co-hosts.

It's been a somewhat unpleasant week overall, but I'm celebrating the fact that it's getting better.  I know this is somewhat gross, but I've always had a problem with ear wax building up in my ears.  I inherited the problem from my dad.  It got so bad that I completely lost my ability to hear out of my right ear.  The excessive buildup also led up to a nice ear infection. I can't begin to tell you how fun it is to have an ear cleaned out by a doctor while it's also infected.  I can hear again, though, and my ear doesn't hurt anymore.  Yay for that!

Writing continues to go well.  I'm excited about the story I'm working on.

I made brownies this week.  I love brownies.  Anything involving chocolate is fine by me.

As of writing this, I'm about to reach 100,000 page views on this blog.  Not nearly as impressive as those who are well into the millions, but I'm excited about it nonetheless.

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. Yea for the brownies. Boo to the ear wax. Have a good weekend.

  2. Sorry about your ear.
    And you are now over 100,000 page views!

  3. Ow! Ow! Ear cleaning is not fun (my doctor's syringe seems to go Squeak! in a painfully high pitch) but the result is good. Chocolate is great, and even better is the feeling that all gears are engaged (with your writing) and things are going well. Have a great weekend!

  4. Yay to all those views. And sorry about your ear. I bet more brownies will help clear the memory of that ;)

  5. There's nothing more painful than an ear infection. Ugh. I'm glad to hear the doctor fixed you up. Congrats on hitting 100k on your blog hits! Yay! Congrats also on working on a new story. Brownies!! Yum!! I'm so jealous right now. No one sells brownies around here and I don't bake anymore. I'll just have to close my eyes and imagine I'm having some of yours! :)

  6. Feel better soon - I feel your pain - had a wisdom tooth taken out yesterday!

  7. How awful, ear infections are the worse. I went deaf, overnight, in my left ear, so I'm real cautious about the only working one I have left, I mean right! LOL So I'll celebrate that. I reached 100,000 just recently, and I was thrilled, but wow, a million, don't know that it will ever happen. :) Stay well!

  8. My partner has the same ear problem. Because he's a sound engineer, he gets his ears cleaned out every six months and so far, has had no ear infections….

  9. Wow! Congrats on your word count! Absolutely awesome! I have a wax problem in my ears. It hurts like the dickens when the doctor flushes it out. And an infection on top of that? I can't even imagine. Glad it's done at least.

    Desiree Yearning
    Author/ Sign-up for my Blog at my website! | w:

  10. My son has an earwax build-up problem, too. Having the doctor flush it out is nasty. Congrats on all the page views! Hope your writing continues to go well! And anything involving chocolate is fine by me, too.

  11. I heard on television today that one way to help with that is 5 drops of Hydrogen Peroxide in each ear will help dissolve the wax. I use peroxide on a Q-tip to clean mine. Especially if I get hairspray in my ear, causes a nasty infection too.
    Just dropped by to welcome you to the WEP challenge. Thank you!

  12. Hello LG. 100,000 page views is impressive! Not to be sneezed at! Glad you've had a good writing week. That's impressive too.

    It is great to see you signed up for WEP. Can't wait to see what you post!

    Denise :-)

  13. Yummm...brownies :) Congrats on your upcoming 100,000 page views!
