
Friday, September 11, 2015

Celebrate the Small Things-September 11, 2015

It's Friday!  Let's Celebrate the Small Things with Lexa Cain!   Tonja and I are her co-hosts.

I'm celebrating the fact that writing is keeping me busy.  I'm in the middle of working on three projects, and two of them have a deadline.  There's nothing like a deadline to keep me focused.  One of those projects is my short story for the IWSG anthology contest.  I have it started, and I have an idea of how I want it to play out, but I still need to figure out how to frame the story so it fits into the word length requirement.  No worries though.  I'm up to the challenge!

The second project with a deadline (granted, it's a deadline I imposed on myself, but it's a deadline nonetheless) is a humorous Christmas story.  It'll be a short story, and I was thinking of releasing it in early December.  It's not science fiction, so it's outside the genre where I normally write, but I've always enjoyed humor.  I want it to be a fun story, and I figure diversifying the work that I put out may help to grow my readership.  The title, for now anyway, is "Self-Help 101 or: How I Learned to Take Over the World Through Tolerating My Family."  I'll give you more details as my intended release date approaches.

The third project is the sequel to my novella A Silent Soliloquy.  There is no deadline on this one, but work continues to go well.

I know, I'm crazy for tackling so many projects, but I'm scatter-brained on a good day.

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. I like the title of your Christmas story!
    Glad you are entering the IWSG contest. Perfect fir for what you write.

  2. As long as you're getting things done and enjoying yourself. Hope your weekend's good.

  3. Good luck with all of the writing. Deadlines can be a good thing.

  4. I'm one of those strange people who think that you need to have several projects going at once so that if you hit a snag on one, you can divert yourself on another until the snag unsnags. (Hm... And I call myself a writer? Urk!) Have a great weekend!

  5. Good luck with your writing! And I love the sound of your Christmas story. Have a terrific weekend. :)

  6. Your Christmas story sounds lovely. Best of luck with your writing projects. I want to entre the anthology comp too, time willing. :)

  7. Good for you for jumping genres! And yay to keeping busy. May those words continue to flow this next week :)

  8. Sounds like you're extremely busy! Good Luck with all your endeavors!!!

  9. Wow! Glad to hear you're getting so much done. Hope it all goes well.

  10. Good luck with all the writing projects, sounds like you are busy. I'm sure you'll make those deadlines.

  11. Sounds like you're busy, which is always good. Just keep on top of those deadlines. They have a way of sneaking up on you.

  12. Isn't it great to be busy, especially with writing projects. Nothing as fun as that!
    Love the title for your Christmas short, can't wait to read it. Reminded me of the time someone asked me to write a Christmas murder. I mean really a murder and Christmas. But guess what. I did it, you just never know. Of course, now we all know, murder is always on my mind. :)

  13. Deadlines are good, but stressful for sure!

  14. I'm such a baby I can only handle one project at a time. I admire how much you can do! Good luck with all three projects! :)

  15. You're lucky the writing has kept you busy. The day job had all my time this week.
