
Friday, September 4, 2015

Celebrate the Small Things-September 4, 2015

It's Friday!  Let's Celebrate the Small Things with Lexa Cain!  Tonja and I are her co-hosts.

Last Friday I mentioned that it was a rainy day.  Well, it turned out to be more rainy than I expected.  A lot of towns here got between 5 to 7 inches of rain.  Our town was one of them.  We pulled our cars, which we park on the street, into our yard because the road was starting to resemble a river.  Our basement also took on water.  I managed to save our Christmas tree before it got too bad, but we lost a lot of the stuff we had stored down there.  It was mostly old clothes and various things that we don't use regularly, so we were more upset about having to clean up the mess than we were about the stuff that got ruined.  I'm grateful, though, because it could have been a lot worse.  There were plenty of people in town who had way more water in their basements than we did.

It seems like weather has been picking on us lately.  A couple weeks ago a strong storm moved through that took a roof off a church in town, did some damage to the school and the house across the street from it, and took down various trees all over town.  Our house was virtually untouched, so we got lucky there too.  My husband and I were sipping wine and playing cards when it happened.  If anyone's curious about that storm, there's plenty of news coverage about it.  Here's a link for you to check out.

So yeah, I'm celebrating the fact that our family has escaped the worst of the crazy weather we've been having, and also that no one has been hurt during any of it.

On a brighter note, I'm still celebrating being the WEP runner up, and I'm celebrating the IWSG anthology contest.  I can't wait to get to work on a story.  I still need to come up with an idea, though.

I needed to get my oldest son in for a dentist appointment and an eye exam for school, and I got both of those done this week.  I always enjoy getting things like that out of the way.

Oh, and I'm celebrating the fact that this is a three day weekend!  Woohoo!

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. Glad everyone's okay and that you didn't lose anything precious in the flooding.

  2. Water in the basement is a constant thing for us, we can't store anything down there, but we've been lucky too. Knock on wood!
    I'd forgotten, a three day week end! Oh yeah!!!!

  3. Glad you only had a mess to clean up.
    The contest is right up your alley, so I hope you do enter. And thanks for displaying the badge!

  4. Had some storms here (upper Michigan) and as usual my whole basement floor got wet.

    Wish you the best with the anthology submission. I've finally plucked up the courage to begin work on an anthology story myself.

    Nissa Annakindt

  5. Glad you all okay and enjoy the 3 day weekend :)

  6. wow, that wind must have been scary if it blew off a roof - glad you and your family are okay - blessings!

  7. Weather is one of those things that can make us feel overwhelmingly grateful for the things we usually take for granted- I'm glad that's all it did! Congrats on your WEP being runner up!!!

  8. I guess there's one good thing about not having a basement: it can't flood! Glad you didn't lose anything valuable.

  9. Wow - that is a lot of rain! So sorry your basement was flooded; that's such a pain. And yay to being WEP runner up!

  10. I'm glad to hear you got through the weather relatively unscathed. My thoughts go out to those who didn't.

  11. Yeah! Three day weekend! Our kids already started school which is crazy. Now we only spend a little more than two months with them. Stupid school schedules.

  12. Congrats on being 2nd in WEP! There was stiff competition, too, at least from the ones I read. We always had basement flooding problems too (in Indiana). My mom put plastic tables down there and put all boxes of stuff on top of them. It's good that you basically escaped unscathed. Have a great weekend!

  13. Wow! Second place sounds great to me! Have a lovely weekend, L. G.!

  14. While I can't claim we've had horrific storms, we've had our fair share of rain. It has been raining in into my living room, down an inside wall. Men have been summoned to have a look at the job, and it seems as though there is a cracked tile 'somewhere'. Oh that's all right then. Should be easy to find - not.

  15. So glad you were OK after the storm. They can be scary. We had a big lightning storm recently and our bowling alley was zapped. All their scoring systems (computerised) were fried and some of their TVs too. Good luck with the story for the anthology.

  16. Three day weekend! Yay! Send some rain out this way. We haven't had any for a while. Good luck with the story! :)
