
Friday, September 25, 2015

Celebrate the Small Things-September 25, 2015

It's Friday!  Let's Celebrate the Small Things with Lexa Cain!  Tonja and I are her co-hosts.

My oldest son Jude has been home sick the past couple of days, but he's starting to feel better.  It's nothing more than a nasty cold, but those can wear you out too.  He should be good to go back to school on Monday.  So far Lyle has remained healthy, so I'm hoping that continues to be the case.  Having one ill child is stressful enough.  It's worse when everyone gets it.

I'm still making good progress on my Christmas story.  My goal is still to have the rough draft done by October 1st, but it's looking like I should be able to finish it before that deadline.  Who doesn't love the possibility of finishing a goal before the deadline?

We're probably ordering in pizza for dinner tonight, and I'm definitely looking forward to that.

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. Hope your wee one's completely better soon! I'm celebrating a day off!

  2. PIZZA!!!! I love mushrooms, pineapples, and greens on mine. Mmm. Mouth watering. I'm glad your son is doing better :) That's always a positive!

  3. I'm joining you for pizza!
    Beat that deadline.

  4. Poor Jude. I know a bunch of people who've been sick recently. I think it's some end-of-summer bug going around. Yay for your writing progress and for pizza!1 Have a great weekend! :)

  5. All the best with finishing on the deadline and enjoy the pizza :) Have a lovely weekend and I hope your son gets better soon.

  6. Hope Jude feels better fast too!

  7. Mmmm, pizza.

    Hope the illness doesn't stick around for long, and good luck getting the story finished.

  8. I love pizza nights, they're the best. I'm glad Jude is starting to feel better.

  9. So excited to read the Christmas short story! Yay for pizza and glad that Jude is feeling better!

  10. It seems like several people are down with a cold or just recovering from one. Tis the season. Looking forward to the Christmas story!

  11. So glad to see you've signed up for the WEP! Love the Halloween theme.
    Congrats on the story!
    Hope the boys are well soon!
