
Friday, October 2, 2015

Celebrate the Small Things-October 2. 2015

It's Friday!  Let's Celebrate the Small Things with Lexa Cain!  Tonja and I are her co-hosts.

I finished the first draft of my Christmas novella Self-Help 101 or: How I Learned to Take Over the World Through Tolerating My Family.  It's funny (at least I sure hope it is, since that was my intention), and the romantic subplot grew beyond what I originally intended it to be.  All in all, it still needs work, but I'm largely happy with it so far.  It's about 23,000 words right now.  I'll see how it stands after revision.

I'm also working on my story for the IWSG anthology contest right now.  The story is based on an idea I had awhile back, but I never sat down to write it before now.  Since the idea fit the theme of the contest, I decided this was the time to go for it.

I also signed up for a couple of Halloween challenges.  One is Spooktoberfest.  I sign up for this one every year, so even though I'm going to be particularly busy with writing this month, I just couldn't pass it up.  It's tradition!

I'm also signed up for the WEP Halloween challenge.  The theme for this one is Youthful Frights vs. Adult Fears.  I enjoyed WEP so much last time that I knew I had to do it again!

I'm glad that my writing has been keeping me so busy, and I hope I can stay on track with everything I've planned to do.

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. Can't wait to read the Christmas novella!

  2. Don't you love it when your story takes off and you end up in love with it?! And I'm sure it'll be funny.
    Thanks for signing up for Spooktoberfest again, we love your flash fiction!

  3. Aww. I'm happy Spooktoberfest is tradition for you... This put a huge smile on my face! :) Excited to read your piece!

  4. You have a lot of writing ahead of you. Glad you're submitting to the anthology.

  5. Oh gosh, the Spooktoberfest, I must consider that this year! Love the month of Halloween!
    Congrats on finishing your projects!
    And thanks for being part of the WEP! This month is such fun!

  6. I've signed up for both of those Halloween challenges too; I just can't seem to resist! Have a great weekend :)

  7. Wow - you're a writing frenzy. Congrats on getting that draft done, and have fun writing that short. So much going on this month. . .

  8. So much writing going on! Wishing you the best of luck :D

  9. I love the title to your novella. Congrats on all you got done.

  10. Congrats on finishing the draft of your novella! I knew you'd do it! I just finished mine too, so you and I are both in the #amediting phase now. Nose to the grindstone time. Good luck on the ISWG story too!

  11. Wow - you sound really, really busy but I suppose that's how it is if you are a writer - those ideas just keep popping into your head demanding to be written down! Hope you have a great weekend and get some rest :) Special Teaching at Pempi’s Palace
