
Friday, October 9, 2015

Celebrate the Small Things-October 9, 2015

It's Friday!  Let's Celebrate the Small Things with Lexa Cain!  Tonja and I are her co-hosts.

This has been a good writing week.  It's crazy that my writing has been going so well for so many weeks in a row.  I'm not used to that.  I'm more used to rough patches involving writers block followed by bursts of creativity.  Then again, I'm working with deadlines right now, and I've always done better when I have a deadline to motivate me.  It keeps me focused.  From now on I should try setting a deadline for myself for all my projects.

My birthday is on Sunday.  I'm turning 30.  The crazy part about that is the weather we're supposed to be having that day.  Right now the forecast is calling for it to be sunny and 84.  That's never happened for any birthday I can remember.  I've had birthdays with snow.  I've had birthdays with ice.  I've had birthdays with cool rain.  I live in Iowa, so this is the kind of weather you'd normally expect this time of year.  The thought that I might be able to comfortably wear shorts on my birthday is insane to me. Then again, the forecast can change without warning around here, so we'll see how it goes.  I really do hope it's accurate this time, though.  That would be amazing.

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. Happy birthday! Break out those shorts and enjoy.
    I work better with deadlines as well. I'm too much of a procrastinator otherwise.

  2. Happy Birthday! I hope the weather stays nice for you :)

  3. Happy Birthday! Congrats on your writing progress. It's been in the 50s and 60s here, which is okay. I like it cool. Have a great weekend!

  4. Hooray for the writing! Enjoy the weather for your birthday.

  5. Happy birthday! May the new year in your life brings you personal and family happiness as well as continuously good writing weeks.

  6. Yay for productive weeks. Have a happy (and warm) birthday.

  7. Congratulations on your writing progress! (Please send some of that mojo my way 'cause I need it.) I hope the Iowa weather cooperates and is great for your birthday. Wishing you a wonderful celebration! :)

  8. I do hope you get to celebrate your birthday in shorts! So awesome! We're looking at 30 degrees at night but the days are supposed to be warm. Next week we're going to he beach, hoping for high 60's low 70's. But I don't care if it rains - we're going to the beach!!!! :)

  9. Happy Birthday! Celebrate and enjoy you day.

  10. Happy Birthday! And may it be sunny and warm. . .might as well enjoy it :)

  11. Happy Birthday, a day early! I hope the weather cooperates. I feel the weathermen have a hard time predicting anymore than 1 day out anymore.
    Celebrate the small things: my son is happy in college, my daughter hasn't cried about our move in almost a week and seems to be settling into school and I finished my series LANE CHANGES (which I have been working on for 10+ years) and am now editing, revising, finding beta readers etc to try and get book 1 out there after Christmas.
    Thanks for making me aware of the small things that are making my week :-)
