
Wednesday, October 7, 2015

The Insecure Writer's Support Group: October 2015

It's the first Wednesday of the month, and that means it's time for another meeting of the Insecure Writer's Support Group.  Our esteemed leader is the enigmatic Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh.  This month his helpful co-hosting minions are TB Markinson, Tamara Narayan, Shannon Lawrence, Stephanie Faris, and Eva E. Solar.

Be sure to stop by and visit the IWSG website!

This month is a big month for me in several ways.  One is that my birthday is this upcoming Sunday.  I'm turning 30.  I know that this in no way makes me old, but those milestone birthdays have a way of getting you to thinking about life.  Looking back, I can see that I had some lofty notions as a kid about where I'd be in life when I turned 30.  There is some insecurity in the fact that I haven't accomplished all that I wanted to accomplish by this age, but I'm not going to let that get to me.  I have a wonderful family, and I've done a lot this year in terms of writing.  That's enough for me.

I've decided that I want to release my Christmas-themed novella Self-Help 101 or: How I Learned to Take Over the World Through Tolerating My Family on Tuesday, December 1st. That's a pretty tight deadline considering everything I've got going on, but I know it's doable.   I just have to remain disciplined and keep working.

Don't forget to enter the IWSG Anthology Contest!  I know I plan to.  I've been working on that along with all my other writing because I'm certifiably insane, but it's been a fun process. 

What are you feeling insecure about this month?


  1. Happy birthday, and good luck finishing your story (great title by the way).

  2. Happy Birthday! I love the title of your upcoming book. I'll bet it sells well.

  3. Happy Birthday for Sunday! Good luck with your new release :)

  4. Happy birthday! Thirty is no big deal. Just wait until you hit fifty.
    December 1 - you can do it.

  5. Certifiably insane, sounds familiar! Great to know I'm in such good company!
    Happy Birthday!

  6. I like the name of your self help 101. That's a good realization to make too, about learning to live with your family. A milestone right there :)

  7. Happy 30th! I broke down on mine, mostly because I was on the other side of the country from all my family, and a little homesick. It worked out though. The hubbs surprised me by flying my mom into town.

  8. Happy birthday and good luck with the upcoming release!

  9. Happy birthday! And good luck with the upcoming release. I like to set deadlines for myself or I'd never finish anything.

  10. At the day job today, we all decided that you act the reverse of what ever your age is. So don't think of turning 30, but realize you can now act like you're 3! My problem is I'm 33, so I'm SOL. ;)

  11. Happy Birthday in advance to a fellow Libra. Your post is so upbeat. Good luck on all your projects.

    IWSG #94

  12. It's funny. Not too long ago I thought it would all be all downhill after 27 (hell, I even wrote a book about it). But now at 35 I realized I'm JUST starting to hit my stride, and I still have a long way to go.

    Happy Birthday!

    IWSG October

  13. I think you've accomplished a lot for a 30 year old. And it's no use when we compare ourselves to dreams we had as a child. (I wanted to be a movie director. *snort*) Wishing you luck getting your Christmas story done by the 1st! I wish I were as organized as you. :)

  14. Those milestone birthdays do make you think, but having reached my 50th, I look forward, rather than backward. I'm in a different place than I thought I'd be, and I'm embracing that and all the future holds. Happy Birthday! Here's to many more!
