
Monday, December 7, 2015

Self-Help 101 Blog Tour Day #5

Today I'm continuing my blog tour to promote my Christmas novella Self-Help 101 or: How I Learned to Take Over the World Through Tolerating My Family with the one and only (if you don't count the clones, anyway) Alex J. Cavanaugh.  You'll definitely want to stop by and read my tips for making Christmas caroling as easy and fun as possible.

Before you run off, though, look below for a chance to win one of twelve free e-copies of the book.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Good morning! I've been to Alex's already today. :)

  2. I read your caroling tips on Alex's blog! What fun! I've rarely participated in caroling because I am an atrocious singer. Congratulations, LG, on your book!

  3. Fave Christmas tradition? Celebrating Christ and being able to buy the books I really want from TBD with no fear of shipping fees. Actually that last one is all year round. Hey Christine!

  4. I loved your Christmas Carol tips and the one about the ugly 3D sweater, LOL. I'll keep an eye out for them on my festive trekking this year.

  5. Egg nog in little teeny, tiny sherry glasses. Like enough for half a swallow for a small baby animal. :p

  6. I bought a copy this weekend, read it, and loved it! And, I don't think that's just because I was experiencing vertigo . . . well, the resting long enough to read helped, but I'm planning to re-read it again and recommend it to friends and family. You made me laugh so hard, and laughter is wonderful medicine, right?

  7. I like your book cover and title! When I went to Amazon and saw the 99 cent Kindle version, I couldn't resist buying it :)
