
Friday, January 15, 2016

Celebrate the Small Things-January 15, 2016

It's Friday!  Let's Celebrate the Small Things with Lexa Cain!  Tonja Drecker and I are her co-hosts.

It's been a crazy week.  How did the world lose so much talent in one week?  Seriously. The world has been reeling from the deaths of David Bowie, Alan Rickman, and several others over a short period of time.  It's sad that these creative geniuses will no longer be able to contribute any new work to our world, but the work they have done will live on.   I'd like to celebrate the lives of all the creative people who have kindly left us with some amazing works that we'll be able to cherish for many years to come. Thank you for everything.

I submitted a story to Daily Science Fiction this week, so that means I am 1/6th of the way to reaching my submission goal for the year.  Whether it is excepted or rejected, that is still something to celebrate.

I've written and scheduled two posts for the April A to Z Challenge already.  I wanted to get a head start so I don't end up falling behind.  For those of you who are planning to participate, sign-ups for the challenge start on January 25th.

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. Sad that we lost them, but their work will live on.
    You've already scheduled two posts? I really need to come up with a theme soon...

  2. Awesome! I've got my theme for the A to Z but haven't drafted anything yet. Good luck with your submission!

  3. Good luck with your submission!
    I'll be doing the challenge again this year, but probably won't start planning and writing until February.

  4. I had completely forgotten about the A to Z challenge until today. Time rolls around so quickly! I haven't decided whether I'll be participating this year yet. Have a great weekend!

  5. Good luck with your submission! I've submitted to them about a half dozen times. Still no acceptance, but I'll keep trying. Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. Good luck with the submission, and congrats on getting so far in your goals already! I haven't even thought about A-Z yet, but I'm always behind. Enjoy the weekend!

  7. Congrats on your submission, hope it gets accepted.

    I think I may not participate in the A-Z this year...still rolling it over in my head.

    Have a nice weekend.

  8. Best of luck with your submission... I'm sure you'll do fabulously:)

    Indeed, it has been a really sad week.

  9. It's really a nice thought that some of us will live on through our creative work like Bowie and Rikman. (Well, not super famous like that, but still ... you know what I mean, right?) Congrats on submitting! I hope it gets accepted!

  10. Congrats on submitting your story!

    I was also very sad by the two creative souls we lost this week.

  11. The deaths of those we have had in our lives is always shocking to us and also shows us we need to live and cherish every day. Thanks for posting about when we can sign up for A-Z I need to start thinking about it now!! Can't believe you've already written two posts!! Special Teaching at Pempi’s Palace

  12. I agree. It has been a terrible week of loss. Good luck with your story.

  13. You've prepared two A to Z posts? I need to get my butt into action.
