
Friday, January 22, 2016

Celebrate the Small Things-January 22, 2016

It's Friday!  Let's Celebrate the Small Things with Lexa Cain!  Tonja Drecker and I are her co-hosts.

I finished the rough draft to a short story this week, so I'm happy about that.  I'm now working on the rough draft to a novella, and I'll probably return to the short story to revise it after I finish the novella rough draft.  It seems like there's always something to do.

The weather has been really cold this past week with subzero wind chills, but it's started to warm up again.  I'm grateful for that.  I can tolerate the cold, but I definitely don't enjoy it.

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. Congrats on finishing your rough draft, and good luck on the novella. I like cold weather, but I'm looking forward to it starting to warm up here. Have a great weekend :)

  2. It's been really cold here. And now we have sleet.

  3. I'm just glad we're not in that coastal storm coming through!!!

    Have a great weekend.

  4. Have a great day and blessed weekend!

  5. I'm going to be positive and celebrate the snowstorm coming this way! :)
    Of course I don't have to shovel - the boys do though!
    Happy Friday!

  6. We haven't had snow for where I live for a month yet and I'm so over it! I probably live in the wrong state. LOL!

  7. Good luck with writing, and enjoy the weekend.

  8. Here's to staying warm! Glad to hear your writing is still flowing well. Enjoy!

  9. Congrats on the drafts! I can never concentrate on one project unless I've finished my last. Thus, my Alaska novella waits until a final CP gets my novel back to me and I sub it. Good luck with your writing and have a great weekend!

  10. Congrats on finishing that short story. :-D All the best with your novella!

  11. Always something to do. That sounds like my world. Congrats on finishing the story.

  12. Congrats on your writing progress. It's been really cold here the last couple of days, but I prefer that to the snowstorm.
