
Friday, February 5, 2016

Celebrate the Small Things-February 5, 2016

It's Friday!  Let's Celebrate the Small Things with Lexa Cain!  Tonja Drecker and I are her co-hosts!

Be sure to stop by Hart Johnson's blog where you can find blurbs for two stories from the upcoming IWSG anthology Parallels: Felix Was Here.  One blurb is from my story "Felix Was Here" and the other comes from Yolanda Renee's story "Ever-Ton."  If you're at all curious, you won't want to miss it!  She's going to be doing two per week for the next few weeks, so there's plenty more to come.

Writing hasn't progressed with the speed that I might have liked, but I've also been sinking a lot more effort into marketing this week than I normally do, so I can't really complain.  The writing I have done seems to be pretty decent too, so I should only be celebrating.

The kids also had two snow days this week, so that also impacted my writing schedule. Let's just say we have a large quantity of snow outside, but the kids are back in school now, so my sanity should be safe for now.

I wrote up a detailed outline of my goals for the next couple of months, and while it feels like I have a lot that I want to do, it should be manageable as long as I stick to it.

What would you like to celebrate?

EDIT: Parallels: Felix Was Here will be available May 3, 2016!


  1. Buffalo hasn't gotten one snow day this year. The kids are balking....

    I need to set some writing priorities. Good luck with yours!!!

  2. Already visited Hart!
    Hope you are back on track now that the kids are in school again. Wish we had snow.

  3. Good morning L.G.
    Hart's done a masterful job!
    Release date May 3rd, so cool!

  4. Good luck with your goals! Off to read those blurbs now, I can't wait to get my hands on that anthology!

  5. Snow days means my husband is home and that can really mess up my day.

  6. Some writing is better than none! Good luck with your marketing efforts.

  7. Yay for your blurb being up! I went to Hart's and read yours and Yolanda's. Awesomesauce!! For the snow days - yay for the kids, not-so-yay for the moms. I'm hoping you get back into the writing swing next week. :)

  8. I'm jealous of snow days… We don't get snow here, so no snow days. Wah!

  9. You were very productive lately, so I can't imagine that a few slow days is a bad thing. Getting writing done with kids home for snow days...*hehehe* yeah, right. At least, not possible in my world ;)

  10. I'm off to Hart's place to check it out!

  11. I just love the sound of this anthology! And the cover totally rocks, too.

  12. Man, isn't that the truth of it that marketing can be a giant time vortex?! Thanks for sending traffic my way!

  13. No snow days here in Florida.

    I can't wait to read the anthology!

  14. It sounds like you are well on top of things and really pleased things are going so well for you. Really looking forward to reading the anthology! Have a great week.
