
Wednesday, February 3, 2016

The Insecure Writer's Support Group-February 2016

How in the world is it the first Wednesday of the month already?  Time sure does fly, doesn't it?  Let's get this party started and convene the next meeting of the Insecure Writer's Support Group!  Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh is our esteemed leader.  His co-hosting minions for this month are Allison Gammons, Tamara Narayan, Eva E. Solar, Rachel Pattinson, and Ann V. Friend.

Be sure to stop by the IWSG website!

I can't believe January is behind us already.  I have a list of goals drawn up for February, and I'm looking forward to tackling several projects.  That's the part I feel fairly confident about.  However much work it may take, I know I can finish them.

My insecurity this month has to do with marketing.  I am not good at marketing myself or my work.  I'm such an introvert that I feel awkward even trying to convince people to give my work a chance.  I silently hope that people naturally stumble across my stories, even though that's highly unlikely.  Oh, why can't it be that easy?

The good news is that I may be learning a lot of valuable information about marketing over the next couple of months.  Those of us who are going to be appearing in the upcoming IWSG anthology together have been communicating about various ways of promoting the book, and it's been a good experience so far.  There's no better way to learn about these things than working with your fellow writers.

What is your insecurity this month?


  1. I hope you can give me some pointers on marketing, when you are a guru ;) Seriously, I know I will have to gain my own experience! But it's the part I am going to be the most crap at, I just know it! (way to think positively, Trisha!)

    I'm glad you're getting great experience through doing the anthology. :)

  2. Hi L.G. Join the club. I think most of us writers are more introvert than extrovert, which doesn't help with marketing. It is so hard. Even with a publisher, you have to help with marketing or do it all yourself.

    Denise :-)

  3. Putting yourself out there is very difficult. The more you do it, the better you become. The old "fake it until you make it" certainly applies. Good luck!

  4. Hi L G,
    I agree doing this as a group is going to very eye opening and educational. I'm looking forward to it!

  5. We have the same insecurity this month. Marketing is so tough. I keep learning, though, and keep trying. Eventually something will click!

  6. I'm honored to take this marketing journey with you, L.G. I wonder if writers tie themselves in knots with the marketing up to the release day and then run out of steam. I think nervousness is natural, but we have the time to try something, and if that doesn't work, we'll try something else.

  7. Awesome you guys are joining forces! That won't be ten times the effort, it will be a hundred times.

  8. I wrote a book about book promotions and there are thousands of things I could still add. I'm sure working with the others will churn up some good ideas. Just keep believing in your story, because it was incredible.

  9. I'm exactly the same as you, a huge introvert! When I eventually get around to marketing my work, I know I'm going to struggle. Like you said, I wish people would just stumble across my stories. I hope you learn loads marketing the anthology :)

  10. I'm an introvert too. That's why I like marketing online. Having to do a signing or other such thing in person would drive me nuts.

  11. You sound just like me. I hate marketing--just not in me. So excited about working with you on the anthology.

  12. Marketing and promo is hard. I'm like you and hoping that people stumble across my books, but that doesn't happen nearly as much as I'd like. Good luck with working with the other authors in the anthology and I hope you guys share any successes you have with it.

  13. That sounds like a good way to learn - by sharing with fellow writers. I'm sure it will be an exciting time.

  14. I've found some good marketing tips on the If you haven't been there already? I haven't put a lot of the stuff into practise yet though as I've not got anything to market yet.
    It's great that there is a group of you all learning together though. Best of luck.

  15. That's so cool that you are working with your fellow anthology authors to create marketing methods! That sounds like a great learning experience.
    I hope you'll share what you learn - marketing is so terrible for me that I don't mention it often - it's just a looming monster in the backdrop,
    Anyway, enough over-dramatization.
    I hope you have an awesome month with your several projects!

  16. What a great idea to share marketing info with your fellow anthology authors! I nose around the net all the time but I've only found two ways to sell - pay a lot for advertising in a place your target audience will see it (like BookBub) and/or having newsletter sign-ups featuring giveaways. And the advertising isn't a good idea unless you have several books pubbed to get a carry-over effect. Good luck on your projects! :)

  17. Ah... marketing. The word that drives most writers crazy. I hope you share what you learn about getting your book out there in front of readers. I think most of us would like to know. Congratulations on being on the anthology.

  18. This is a double bonus for you. Getting your story into the anthology and improving your marketing techniques.

  19. I'm so happy for you. Marketing can be quite daunting at first, but surrounded by fellow writers, and the whole IWSG group, you'll be awesome.

  20. That's awesome you can learn more about marketing while enjoying your win. A win-win, as the cheesy phrase goes, but hey, it's true. Be sure to blog about all the great info you come across.

  21. It is a necessary evil.
    Best of luck!


  22. I imagine marketing your writing will be a significant challenge for you. I believe a writer needs a clear vision, a "mission statement."

  23. I love marketing! It's so fun and self-affirming!

    I'm lying. I just didn't want cave to peer pressure and write the same comment as everyone else.

  24. L.G., I've found now that Borders Books closed (my meat and potatoes for years) and Barnes and Noble has forsaken me my gravy train is gone. The scene has changes and free is over as blogging and social media only go so far these days. You'll have to spend a little $$$ to sell downloads now and that's not a bad thing.

  25. It's always easier to promote someone else than toot your own horn. I pretend I'm talking about someone else's work to get around that uncomfortable feeling.

  26. Thank God for support systems like this one, right? It's a good group of peeps that is lucky to have you as a member!

  27. I've yet to get to the marketing stage, but I find self-promotion hard enough.. like with my blog and twitter and facebook. I'm hard-pressed to keep it all updated so I imagine when I have to start promoting, it'll be a huge learning curve. Ugh!
    Willing to get to that point though, of course.

    Congrats on the IWSG anthology! The cover is cool!

  28. Hi, I'm still making the rounds. I hope you all share what you learn in marketing the anthology. I will have to do in the future, lol. Wishing you the best of luck and yes I do wish it were easy--I think we all do. Happy IWSG
    Juneta Writer's Gambit

  29. It is a very exciting time. The anthology knocked my socks off. To know so many talented writers is awe inspiring. Yes, didn't January fly by!

  30. I'm much better at marketing myself in person than I am online. Unfortunately, I don't get out of the house much!

    Best of luck with the marketing, and I hope the tricks you learned pan out for you.

  31. Marketing is hard for me as well. Like you, I am an introvert and I feel like it is an imposition to pester people to read my work. Ah well, hopefully you will be able to overcome some of yours and then share with all of us what you've discovered! Cheers!
