
Monday, March 20, 2017

April A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal

It's hard to believe that the 2017 April A to Z Challenge is almost upon us!  Today is the day for the time-honored theme reveal.  Thanks to the always awesome Mina Lobo for coming up with this fun tradition.  Be sure to stop by the challenge blog to find links to other theme reveal posts.

This year I've been busy with having a baby in the house and story submissions, so the challenge kind of crept up on me. I'm nowhere near as prepared for things as I was last year. Still, I knew I wanted to do something fun.  I also knew I wanted to keep my posts short so people could enjoy them and move on to other blogs.

That's why I've decided to write drabbles.  Drabbles are stories of exactly 100 words.  Each little mini story will be inspired by a word starting with that day's letter.  I've done drabbles in the past, and I enjoyed it.  A couple of those drabbles even gave me ideas for longer stories.  What can I say?  Anything that gets the creative juices going is fine by me.

Are you participating in the 2017 April A to Z Challenge? What's your theme going to be?


  1. I hear you, I'm not as prepared as I was last year. Then again, last year April was a horrible month, so I hope that will be different too.

    Good luck with your challenge :-)

    The Old Shelter - Theme Reveal - 1940s Film Noir

  2. L.G, I LOVE drabbles. It was the first type of fiction I ever wrote and the thing that got me hooked!
    I'll definitely be by to check out your stories.
    Hop over to read all about your daily dose of inspiration in my theme reveal post!
    Writer In Transit

  3. I'm more prepared than in the past, but still no where near as far ahead as I was hoping to be. Fingers crossed I can make it through the whole month.

    Good luck with the drabbles!

  4. I love stories! & short stories are always fun! Good luck with AtoZ :)

  5. One hundred words is perfect. It won't tax you, either.

  6. Drabbles sound like fun! Can't wait to check them out.
    I'm not participating this year.

  7. I love reading drabbles/flash fiction, but I struggle with writing it. (It was my theme a couple of years ago). Looking forward to your stories. Best of luck with the challenge!

    Theme Reveal: Magical and Medicinal Herbs

  8. Cool, original theme! I had never heard the term drabble before.

  9. Drabbles are new to me, but sound like a fabulous theme. Can't wait to follow your posts.

  10. I love writing drabbles! Go for it, such fun! I'll definitely be back for more!

  11. I know these are going to be great. Good luck, you'll rock!

  12. Another drabbler....drabble-er...Another person doing drabbles, yay! (I gave up on there. LOL) I'll be doing them as well again. Watch out or you may end up addicted like me. ;)

  13. I'm not as prepared this year either. And I'm also doing writing prompts as my theme this year. Mine will all be a single word, though my posts will be a bit longer than yours. I'm planning to make it all one continuous story and doing a 20-minute sprint for each post. I look forward to reading yours next month.
    And I can't seem to comment from my wordpress self, so you can find my blog here:

  14. Thanks for the shout-out, LG. David Macaulay, over at Brits in the USA, inspired and co-hosted that first reveal with me.

  15. Looking forward to your theme! I love short and sweet, that way I can visit more blogs. My theme this year is Hot Men!
