
Friday, March 17, 2017

Celebrate the Small Things-March 17, 2017

It's Friday!  Let's Celebrate the Small Things with Lexa Cain!  Tonja Drecker and I are her co-hosts.

The boys have been off school for spring break this week.  As much as I love spending time with them, it does make it difficult to get much done.  Oh well.  We've had a nice relaxing week, and I'm okay with that.

Of course, it didn't feel like we're anywhere near spring this week.  We got a fresh round of snow, which I didn't appreciate at all.  We built a couple of model rockets, and I'd love to have some good weather so we can launch them.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. Having the boys at Spring beak kinda makes you slow down. Enjoy it!

    Marilyn @

  2. The weather's been surprisingly nice here this week - I was expecting rain all week since I'm off work! Hope you get to launch those rockets soon :)

  3. We've had four days off from school in the past two weeks due to weather and spring break hasn't even happened yet. I wonder if they'll have to make up these days in June?

  4. It's nice to have a calm week. Weather has been cold here, but today it's in the low to mid 30s so maybe it will finally start to warm.

  5. Launch those rockets now and I bet they will blast away some of the snow.

  6. Glad you had fun with the kids for vacation time. Hope the snow leaves soon. We're tired of looking at it. Have a fun weekend.

  7. Seems there have been a lot of places where winter is making its hopefully last hurrah. Sometimes it's good to get out of the everyday routine and spring break is a good time for that.

  8. The little ones may make life a bit busy, but it's only one week and I'm sure you love it! I'm amazed you built model rockets. I'd be too afraid -- I've set my stove on fire 3 times in the last year. Fire and I don't get along well... Have a great weekend!

  9. Instead of Spring Break, they've been giving my kids a few 4-day weekends every other week. Which I don't care for and would rather have all in one go. But we love our kids! (work can wait. . .I keep telling myself that ;) )
