
Friday, January 5, 2018

Celebrate the Small Things-January 5, 2018

It's Friday!  Let's Celebrate the Small Things with Lexa CainTonja Drecker and I are her co-hosts.

We've been enduring one heck of a cold snap these past couple of weeks, and I know a lot of other people are in the same boat.  I'm celebrating the fact that the high temperature for today where I live will at least be above zero.  It may not climb out of the single digits here, but it's progress.  We're also forecast to get into the 30's on Sunday, so my kids may actually get to play outside.  It's been driving them crazy to see all the snow that finally happened and not be able to play in it.

The boys are back in school, so now I'm in the process of getting back to a normal schedule.  As much as I loved having them around over the holidays, I didn't get a whole lot done in terms of writing.  I imagine I'm not alone there.

I'm also celebrating a new year and all the possibilities that come with it.  I hope all of you have great things in store for you in 2018!

What would you like to celebrate? 


  1. That might be a tad too cold to let the kids play outside. Unless you bundled them like the kid in A Christmas Story. Of course, they'd barely be able to move then...

  2. Yay warmer weather! (Although I would have LOVED to have seen something called snow.) We are suppose to hit the mid-fifties this week—huge, gasp! But then plummet again. As long as my firewood pile holds out, I'm game. Keep those kids warm ;)

  3. Ugh. Yeah, it was cold here too, and when it got in the 20s everyone was so happy because we could go outside without pain. LOL
