
Friday, April 26, 2019

Celebrate the Small Things-April 26, 2019

It's Friday! Let's Celebrate the Small Things with Lexa Cain! I am her co-host.

We had a far more interesting Easter than I originally anticipated. I knew my husband had to work all weekend. What I didn't expect was to get a call from him just after 6 AM Sunday morning asking if I could come pick him up from the side of the road. He was apparently driving home from his overnight shift when a deer darted out in front of him. Here's a picture of the damage to our car.

The car wasn't worth fixing, so we sold it to a junkyard. It cost more to have it towed on a holiday than we got back for it after the sale, but it could have been worse. My husband wasn't hurt in the accident, so I'll celebrate that fact.

I'm also celebrating the fact that Masquerade: Oddly Suited is coming out on Tuesday! I'm so excited about this. I'm almost done reading the book, and I'm impressed with the variety of quality stories. It's awesome to be part of a collection like this.

If you have any questions for the authors in this anthology, we've arranged a live Q & A on Discord. It's scheduled for Saturday, May 11th from 1-2PM EST. If you'd like to take part in this event, follow this link.

What would you like to celebrate?


  1. He didn't hit a deer, the deer hit him! Glad he was all right.
    Just a few more days until Masquerade comes out!
