
Friday, April 19, 2019

Celebrate the Small Things-April 19, 2019

It's Friday! Let's Celebrate the Small Things with Lexa Cain! I am her co-host.

The first thing I would like to celebrate is a little something that came in the mail yesterday. Look at it!

Isn't it lovely? The release day for Masquerade: Oddly Suited is April 30th. That's less than 2 weeks away! If you would like to pre-order a copy, you can do that here.

The Masquerade Ball Bloghop is also underway! A mystery guest appeared on my blog yesterday. If you would like to read that post, you can do so here. If you'd like to follow the entire event, here is the schedule for the rest of the hop.


Thur. April 18th: L.G. Keltner

Fri. April 19th: Jennifer Lane

Sat. April 20th: Deborah Solice

Mon. April 22nd: CD Gallant-King

Tues. April 23rd: Elizabeth Mueller

Wed. April 24th: Chelsea Marie Ballard

Thurs. April 25th: Carrie-Ann Brownian

Fri. April 26th: Myles Christensen

Sat. April 27th: Anstice Brown

Mon. April 29th: Angela Brown

Tues. Apr 30th: Book Release and The Unmasking (Just follow links above)!

Also, if you would like to ask the authors of Masquerade: Oddly Suited any questions, you'll get your chance. We're having an author Q & A on May 11th from 1-2 pm EST.

Finally, I would like to wish a happy Easter to anyone who celebrates! My kids are looking forward to dying Easter eggs over the weekend. It's a messy but fun process, and I usually enjoy it as much as the kids do. Until it's time to clean up afterwards, that is.

What would you like to celebrate?