
Friday, May 17, 2013

May Monster Madness #7: Vampires

To read my entry for the Best/Worst Movie Remake Blogfest, click HERE.

To read my next installment in the "Memoirs From the End of the World" serial, click HERE.

To help me Celebrate the Small Things, click HERE.

I know this is a shift from the technological menaces I've been covering, but I have a specific reason for doing it this way.  Vampires were my mom's favorite monsters.  If there was a vampire movie coming out, she had to watch it.  She loved vampire novels.  It's safe to say she was obsessed.

Two years ago today, my mom passed away at the age of 47.  She had a genetic condition called hemochromatosis.  This is a condition where the body absorbs too much iron.  Given that there's no natural way for the body to get rid of excess iron, removing blood from the body is the first treatment.  I think my mom would have rather had a handsome vampire handle this part than a doctor, but oh well.  Unfortunately, the condition went undiagnosed too long, and it took its toll.  It wore down her immune system until she couldn't fight off the most commonplace of infections.

Anyway, I thought it would be fitting to cover vampires today.  

Why do we find vampires so alluring?  Is it the promise of immortality?  Is it the sensuality of neck-biting?  It is the mixture of attraction and repulsion?  The fact that they still feel human emotions while being monstrous creatures?  Do we wonder if we can tame the beast within?

I think it's a combination of all these factors, as well as others I haven't yet named.

Here's a short video that talks about the history of vampires in popular culture.

I agree that adding romance in with the horror of the vampire created something alluring that exploded throughout popular culture.  This romance humanizes them enough that we're drawn to the monster.  I guess girls really do like a bad boy, huh?

In case you're interested, here's a LINK to the only vampire story I've ever written.  It's a science fiction story as well, so it isn't a traditional vampire tale, but I'm happy with it.



  1. So sorry to hear about your mom. Vampires are my favourite monster too.

    My shallow reason for loving vampires is the whole fangs and glowing eyes thing they have going on. I think my deeper reason may be the immortality; it has always fascinated me.
    Tasha's Thinkings

  2. My condolences about your mom.

    I love vampires, as does my twin, Natasha Duncan-Drake, they're kind of a thing for us :). Being twins, the glowing eyes and fangs attracts us both, eyes being the first thing I look at on a man ;P. I'm also a big fan of the half-vampire, the half-breed struggling between two worlds and two sets of instincts. Romance really has exploded the genre and I agree with you about girls liking the bad boys!

    Sophie's Thoughts & Fumbles

  3. LG, I'm so truly sorry about your mom. I'm right with her on the vampire lovin', I have to say.
    Some Dark Romantic

  4. So sorry to hear that you lost your mom.

    Vampires are my favourite monsters too! I fell under their spell watching old Hammer Horror movies when I was little. I even got into trouble at school, when I was 7, for telling my teacher that I was planning on being a vampire when I grew up. My parents were called to the school to speak to the principal. It's pretty funny because in the wake of 'Twilight', Vampirism is probably considered a valid career option now! ;) I'm not a fan of the sparkly vamps, but other than that, I'm hooked on the the genre.

    Thanks so much for participating in May Monster Madness! I think it has been a great success!
