

Blog Awards

My first blog award.
Thanks Gossip_Grl!

Thanks Spacerguy and Jennifer!

Thanks Dana!

Thanks Chris FriesLaura, and Dana!

Thanks AndreaLaura, and Krista!

Thanks LauraDana, and Chris!

Thanks DanaKaren, and Yolanda Renee!

Thanks J.A. Ward!

Thanks Laura!

Thanks Dana!

Thanks Diane and Jennifer!

Thanks Diane!

Thanks Chris and Suzanne!

Thanks to Cassie Mae for giving my story an Honorable Mention!

Thanks Johana!

Thanks Jackie and Dani for hosting this,
and thanks to Jackie for selecting my piece as a runner up!

Thanks Laura!

Thanks A. Long!

Thanks Mina Lobo and those who voted!
2nd Place

Won for Silliest Dress-Up Photo!
Thanks Kyra!

Won First Place!
Thanks to Christine, Cecelia, Kyra,
and Laurelin!

Read entry HERE.

Hosted by Jackie and Dani.
Read my piece HERE.

Hosted by Jackie and Dani.
Read my piece HERE.

Memes and Tags!

Lucky 7 Meme

Thanks Jennifer!
The Next Great Thing
Thanks Krista and Mina Lobo!

"U Got the Look" Meme
Thanks Jennifer!

Past Blog Hops and Blogfests

Thanks Chuck and
and Shannon!

Hosted by Alex J. Cavanaugh.
Hosted by Cherie Reich.

Hosted by Sara McClung.

Hosted by Madeleine Maddocks.

Hosted by Jackie and Dani.
Hosted by Elana Johnson.

Hosted by Amy L. Sonnichsen
 and Christa Desir.
Hosted by Melinda Dozier.

Hosted by Christa Desir.

Hosted by Madeleine Maddocks.
Hosted by Falling For Fiction.
Co-hosted by Cassie Mae, Leigh,
Mark, and Morgan.
Hosted by Christine Rains.
Hosted by Ninja Captain
Alex J. Cavanaugh.

Co-hosted by Ciara Knight, Laura Eno,
M. Pax, and Brinda Berry.
Hosted by Kyra Lennon.
Hosted by Jackie and Dani.
Hosted by Tim Brannan.
Hosted by Vikki and
Tara Tyler.

Hosted by Mina Lobo.  

Hosted by Alex J. Cavanaugh,
Andrew Leon, and
Matthew MacNish.

Hosted by Trisha.

Hosted by Tammy Theriault
and Emily R. King.

Hosted by Jolie Du Pre.

Hosted by Kyra Lennon.

Hosted by M. Pax
and Tyrean Martinson.

Hosted by DL Hammons.

Hosted by David Powers King.

The No Kiss Blogfest!
Hosted by 
Frankie Diane Mallis
on January 2, 2013

Hosted by The Warrior Muse
and Apocalypse Now.

     Hosted by Fel Wetzig.

Hosted by The Geek Twins,
L.K. Hill, Jay,
and Just a Dash of Geek.

Hosted by Jamie Ayres.

Hosted by Stephen Tremp, Mark Koopmans,
Elise Fallson, and C.M. Brown.

Hosted by Mina Lobo.
Hosted by Sharon Bayliss.

Hosted by randi lee.

Hosted by Kyra Lennon
and Annalisa Crawford.

Hosted by Nick Wilford.

Hosted by Jolie Du Pre.

Hosted by Elise Fallson
and Michelle.
Hosted by Jamie Gibbs
and Allison.
Hosted by Kyra Lennon
and Clare Dugmore.

Hosted by M. Pax, Suze, and
Nicki Elson.

Hosted by Stephen Tremp,
Laura Eno, and
L.G. Smith.

Hosted by Mark Koopmans.

Hosted by Alex J. Cavanaugh.

Hosted by Mina Lobo and
David Macaulay.

Click HERE if you don't already
know about the most amazing
blogging event ever!

Hosted by Annie Walls,
Little Gothic Horrors, and wicKED.

Hosted by Alex J. Cavanaugh,
Stephen Tremp,
Father Dragon Al,
and Livia Peterson.

Hosted by D.L. Hammons and
Elise Fallson.

Hosted by Jackie and Dani.
Hosted by Lisa L. Regan.

Hosted by Tara and Heather.

Hosted by Jackie and Dani.
Hosted by Madeleine.
Hosted by Christine and Cecilia.
Hosted by Cassie Mae!

Hosted by Jackie and Dani.

Hosted by Kyra Lennon.

Hosted by Tara, Angela,
Gwen, and Roland.
Hosted by Mina Lobo.
Hosted by Alex, Andrew, and Matthew.

Hosted by Unicorn Bell.
Hosted by A.F. Stewart.
Hosted by Michelle Wallace.
Hosted by Kyra Lennon and
Rachel Schieffelbein.
Hosted by Stephen Tremp,
L. Diane Wolfe, and
Alex J. Cavanaugh.
Hosted by Czenge, Guilie, Vidya,
Samantha, Anna, Mary,
and Jemima.
Hosted by Krista McLaughlin.

Hosted by Annie Walls,
Little Gothic Horrors, and
Something wicKED this way comes.

Hosted by the A to Z Team.

Hosted by Alex J. Cavanaugh.

Hosted by Jackie, Dani, and Mina.

Hosted by Sherry Ellis and

Hosted by Jackie and Dani.

Hosted by Krista M. and Krista W.

Hosted by Mina Lobo.

Hosted by D.L. Hammons and

Hosted by Jamie Ayres.

Hosted by the A to Z Challenge Team.

Hosted by Lexa Cain, Melanie Karsak,
T.F. Walsh, Vanessa Morgan, Jolie Du Pre,
and Stuart R. West

Hosted by Cover Girls Dani and Jax.

Hosted by Bish Denham.

Hosted by Elizabeth Otten.

Blogfests Hosted By Yours Truly

The Beginnings Blogfest
To celebrate my 1st Blogoversary!

The Towel Day Blogfest

The Endings Blogfest

The Sarcasm, Snark & Sass Blogfest

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