Abracadabra-Part 3BB

As much as you don’t trust this woman, it’s inconceivable to do anything but ask her to redo it.
Since you can’t reply verbally, you nod emphatically instead.
She shrugs.  “Very well.  Let’s see if we can get it right this time.”
We didn’t screw this up.  You did, you think bitterly.
“Abradcadabra!” the genie cries as blue mist once again fills the room.
You notice the difference immediately.  Your jaw is able to open and close without issue, and through the faint remains of the mist, you can see that you are now the proud owner of two functional feet.
Then you notice something looks odd.  Instead of having a right foot and a left foot, you have two left feet.  The new foot is also covered with the worst-smelling, nasty green fungal infection you’ve ever had.
“That’s the price,” the genie says with a smile.  “Two left feet and a fungus that will never go away entirely.”
You sigh.  Sure, you’ll be spending a fortune in medicated cream to alleviate the discomfort, but at least you ended up with two foot that you can walk on.  You’ll take it.


  1. Poor women, smelly, green, fungal, left foot - forever. This is such a wonderful idea, with us picking the direction. Totally fun. You hooked me and it's only A.

  2. I SO love this idea! Makes me want to go back and see what you said if I chose the other selection! Ha ha! For everything there is a price. And what a MEAN genie!!! Lisa, co-host AtoZ2015, @ lisabuiecollard.com

  3. That was awesome! Wow, the work involved to set this up is impressive. And hey, I have two left feet when I dance anyway.

  4. This sounds like a bad dream I would have! Especially since my right foot, at the moment, is still in a cast from my last surgery. I'm sleeping with the lights on tonight!

  5. I'd say that's a thousand times better a foot coming out of your mouth till the end of time! Sheesh!
