Monday, December 14, 2015

Christmas Joy Blog Hop and Self-Help 101 Blog Tour Day #10

If you're here to see my entry for the Christmas Joy Blog Hop, keep scrolling and you'll find it.  I just wanted to start things out by letting everyone know that the blog tour for my Christmas novella Self-Help 101 or: How I Learned to Take Over the World Through Tolerating My Family is continuing with C.D. Gallant-King.  Feel free to stop by and say hello!

My giveaway is also still going, so if you'd like to enter for the chance to win a free e-copy of my novella, enter below!  You can also find the purchase links HERE.

Now, let's keep going with the Christmas Joy Blog Hop!  I'd like to thank Elizabeth from Liz's Random Ponderings for hosting this!

The task is simple.  In order to participate, we need to share one or all of the following:

-A special Christmas memory
-Favorite Christmas song/carol
-Share why you celebrate Christmas
-Favorite decorations, favorite food or treats, etc.
-The best gift you ever gave or received

Now that I have kids, my favorite part of Christmas is watching their faces light up when they see light displays, or how excited they get when we put up the tree, or the absolute joy they exude when they see presents waiting for them under the tree on Christmas morning.  That kind of happiness is contagious.

I found some pictures from Christmas past that captured the joy of my children during the Christmas season, and I decided to share some of them with all of you.

Thanks for stopping by, and be sure to visit some of the other participants!


  1. I love the excitement in the air when my kids are opening their presents. I probably go overboard, but they both work so hard and behave so well in school, they deserve it.

  2. How cute with the pictures of your children through the years of past Christmases. Love the one with your little one not being exactly happy being on Santa's lap; brought back memories. Indeed, seeing Christmas through the eyes of a child is very special!

    Merry Christmas!


  3. It is more fun to watch Christmas joy through someone else!

  4. These are fun photos and it brings joy whenever you bring happiness to someone else...especially when their eyes grow wide with excitement

  5. Kids really do add magic to Christmas. Their faces make for memories of joyful times.

  6. They're so impressionable at that age - its great to see Mr and Mrs Santa Claus spreading the love, toys and fun around which you've captured, perfectly! LOL with santas elves on standby, absolutely priceless!

  7. Those are cute photos. My favorite part of Christmas is the lights. I love seeing the houses decorated.

  8. These are great photos and memories! Merry Christmas.

  9. I agree that the joy of children is contagious! Christmas always brings out my inner child :) Merry Christmas!

  10. Children's wonder, ah if we could only bottle it so we can smell it now and then to remind us. Merry Christmas!
